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Comments Off on Globalism=Trade Deals=Ceding National Sovereignty, Filed in Blog, Jeff Patton, by CGP.
Globalism – Ceding Sovereignty?
The Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) that Canada has been negotiating with the European Union (EU) is about far more than just products and service. It’s also about ceding sovereignty, making our mere national laws subordinate to those of the EU’s.
The way it seems to work these day is that when a single nation state like Canada with 36 million inhabitants wants to make a trade deal with the supranational EU power block with 743 million residents, it comes with strings attached. More and more It seems the EU is pushing its political goals on its wanna-be trading partners. So, when a deal hinges not, on tariffs or quotas, but rather a sovereign nation’s welfare or immigration policies… Read more
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How You, too, Can Avoid All Taxes!
It’s not what you might think!
The media this week has been full of chatter about corporate inversions, the Panama papers, Mossack Fonseca, shell companies, and the mountains of $$$$ and other currency units that the world’s elite has anonymously stashed in some 70 to 92 swarmy tax havens worldwide. We’re talking about maybe $21 to $32 trillion according to the Tax Justice Network, an international research and advocacy organization.
Oh yeah, for years, governments have talked about cracking down on the elite tax cheats… Read more…
Comments Off on Was Patrick a Good Catholic?, Filed in Blog, Jeff Patton, by CGP.
Was St. Patrick a good Catholic? Most would say that you might as well say is the Pope Catholic! But often truth is indeed stranger than fiction, or even green beer.
Many of the tales and lore associated with St. Patrick come from Tirechán’s LIfe of Patrick, which was written about 700 A.D., or roughly 250 years after Patrick’s death. Unfortunately Tirechán’s book is not only completely revisionistic but also primarily fictitious. Tirechán’s work mostly reflects the priorities of an 8th century Catholic hierarchy who were at that point desperately trying to claim Patrick’s missionary legacy as their own in their campaign to pressure the remainder of the stubbornly independent Celtic Christian congregations in Ireland who were refusing to “enter into unity with Rome,”
Far from being a part of the Roman hierarchy, Patrick of Ireland ran a self-funded independent ministry. He never answered to Rome’s direction. Read more…
Comments Off on 2016: Beginning Badly, Filed in Blog, Jeff Patton, by CGP.
Let’s see how far we have come in the past year…
2016: Beginning Badly
Wow! We’re just completing the first full week in 2016 and God help us, if this is merely a harbinger of more of the same to follow.
Let’s see, worldwide financial markets have sold off enough during this past week, due to the extreme volatility taking place in the Chinese markets, that some observers are saying we are now, officially, in a bear—that is declining—market. The Casey Research newsletter says that since Monday the world’s stock markets have lost US$2.5 trillion of their investors’ money!
Comments Off on Santa Klaus, Islamic Jihadis, Western leaders and You? Make the Connection!, Filed in Blog, Jeff Patton, by CGP.
Let’s not forget the painful lessons of a year ago!
“How much more needless blood must be spilled in the Western world before its leadership comes to its senses? When Syed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, walked into a Christmas party with Syed’s coworkers in San Bernardino, California, they didn’t bring along some egg nog and cookies. No, those joy sucking Grinches took automatic rifles, pistols, and pipe bombs. In cold blood they killed 14, and wounded another 17. They even took along a video camera to record their massacre for the Internet-viewing pleasure of their fellow jihadis…
Comments Off on Will the Flood of Immigrants Occupy and Change Us?, Filed in Blog, Jeff Patton, by CGP.
The flood of some 800,000 migrants and refugees streaming into Europe in 2015 are stretching the Old World’s civic resources and in some places the public’s civility. And this flood of new arrivals is showing no signs of slowing down. Some officials are now speculating that about 3 million people will come to search for a better life in the West over the next few years. Will the status quo of the West be disrupted and undermined by the cultural/religious baggage that these millions of newcomers are bringing with them?
Comments Off on Slippery Slide Down the Slope of Moral Relativism, Filed in Articles, Blog, by CGP.
Slippery Slope of Moral Relativism:
Wow, it’s amazing what happens in just one weekly news cycle! Should we cry or laugh?
A full two-thirds of Canada’s doctors are opposed to participating in the Supreme Court’s newly discovered “right to die” by doctor-assisted suicide. In fact only 29 percent of doctors surveyed said they would even consider providing such a “new procedure.”