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March 16th, 2011

Earthquake, tsunami, nuclear meltdown—what’s next?

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Massive earthquake, monster tsunami, nuclear disaster! I was listening on the CBC Radio One to an interview with the Japanese ambassador to Canada. He said his country could be likened to a supermarket for disasters.

The posted online videos of these Japanese disasters are astounding. One such video taken by someone who had fled for safety to the high ground behind his village, captured the event and its emotion…
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March 15th, 2011

The Sabbath is NOT done away with

4 Comments, Filed in Blog, Josh Patton, by Josh.

The 4th Commandment "Remember the day of rest to keep it holy
This was an open letter that I wrote to after finding one of their articles very helpful. In a response to someone, I came across a not-so-great article on the Sabbath and Sunday, that I thought needed to be countered. Actually their conclusion was rather backwards from what the Bible says. Here is the letter I wrote to them:

I applaud your scripturally accurate depiction of the importance of full immersion baptism and repentance as a requirement for a New Covenant relationship with God the Father. More

March 15th, 2011

How Do We Restore Honour?

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Men of Honor - Genral Lee surrenders to Grant
Does honour have a role in our society anymore? Or, is it just a relic of the past that had, perhaps, its last great hurrah at Appomattox with Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant along with all those Red Badge of Courage soldiers of the American Civil War?

For many in our modern society the whole concept of honour seems to be antiquated, quaint, or maybe even dangerous…

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March 6th, 2011

The “Dumbest Generation?”

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idiocracy the movie
There is a small, but vocal, group of educational professionals who are deeply worried about the intellectual abilities of young people in secondary and post-secondary education these days. Mark Bauerlein, a professor of English at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, said in his recently published book The Dumbest Generation:



February 13th, 2011

Black Swans, Auschwitz, Egypt, and the normalcy bias – theWorldTomorrow

Comments Off on Black Swans, Auschwitz, Egypt, and the normalcy bias – theWorldTomorrow, Filed in Blog, Jeff Patton, by CGP.

black swan
Sixty-six years ago on January 27, 1945, Auschwitz was liberated by Soviet Red Army troops. Today this day is remembered around the world as International Holocaust Remembrance Day.