Church of God Webcast promoting Judeo-Christianity through weekly Sabbath Webcasts, Videos, a Blog, Articles and personal correspondance to answer your life's questions
Comments Off on Morality Pills? The Next PC Idea to Improve Society, Filed in Blog, by CGP.
A CBC radio program called The Current, recently lent itself as a megaphone to the provocative idea that a pill is the next best thing to improve the “human animal.”— That’s the label Neil Levy, deputy director of psycho-babble at the Oxford Centre for Neuroethics, in the U.K. applies to you and me. He wants to formulate and administer a “morality pill” to targeted segments of the population.
Comments Off on Material Progress without Moral Development, Filed in Blog, Jeff Patton, by CGP.
Can the network of cellulose veins in a spinach leaf, when stripped of its plant cells and replaced with human heart tissue, someday be used to repair the damage caused by heart-attacks? Or can the cellulose structure of broccoli or cauliflower, when stripped of their plant cells, be used as growing platforms for replacement lungs? Though it sounds like pure science fiction, bioengineers at the Massachusett’s Worchester Polytechnic Institute and at other research centres are working feverishly to make such ideas a reality. READ MORE
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Two Trees and Two Worldviews
When I got up this morning, after losing an hour’s sleep with the start of Daylight Saving Time, I turned on CBC’s Sunday Edition. While fixing breakfast, I began listening—but promptly turned it off. It was just too much to swallow, before I’d even had my morning cup of tea.
What is it about these liberal “thinkers” that so aggravates? Perhaps, it’s because they’ve fallen for the world’s oldest con, and I hate to see people deceived and used…read more
Comments Off on Jerusalem — A Great Miracle Happened There, Filed in Blog, Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.
A Great Miracle Happened There
During the winter season one might think that the “great miracle that happened there” was the birth of the Son of God in Bethlehem…but is that the reality? Luke recorded in his account of Jesus life, the story of this birth to the virgin Mary. This is truly an amazing story. But many would be surprised to know that the evidence does not support a date of December 25th, nor any time in the winter. So what is that miracle that happened there, in the land of Israel, in the winter, on December 25th. It may surprise some. More
Comments Off on Where is Personal Responsibility in “Harm Reduction” Strategies?, Filed in Blog, Jeff Patton, by CGP.
In Canada, and in British Columbia, we’re being told there is a public health “crisis” or “emergency” over the perils of addiction, over-dosing, and death. Recently, intravenous drug users having been dropping dead in significant numbers in B.C.–about two a day due to the appearance on the streets over this past year of the drug fentanyl–a cheaper, far more powerful, artificial opioid. This cheaply manufactured drug is being smuggled into Canada from China.
To counter this “crisis” among those ensnared in opioid addiction, many of the so-called experts are calling for more “harm-reduction” strategies…
Is this the answer???
Comments Off on True Confessions of a Journalist or Plain People Change History, Filed in Blog, Jeff Patton, by CGP.
In the aftermath of the unexpected electoral trump of Donald Trump, leftists all around the world are in shock. They were all assured by the mainstream press that Hillary Clinton would become the 45th president of the United States. How could they get it so wrong? Well, I’ve decide to quote at length from a professional journalist who confesses that the pride and arrogance of the elite and the loonie left rendered them blind to the facts. But, of course, that’s not all! Hope you enjoy this refreshingly honest look at what’s really been going on in the newsrooms of our Western media. Be sure to see my conclusion at the very bottom for the real reason why Mr. Trump prevailed last night… Read more…
Comments Off on Day of Decision, Filed in Blog, Jeff Patton, by CGP.
Last week a private Christian university won a controversial victory over its enemies who have been trying to force out of the public sphere any institution that upholds Judeo-Christian morality. The Appeal Court of British Columbia, B.C.’s highest court, ruled unanimously, 5-0, in favour of Trinity Western University, describing efforts by the B.C. Law Society and sexual circus activists to deny the accreditation of the Christian university’s new law school as “unreasonable.”
For years now, the dispute has revolved around … Read More…