Church of God Webcast promoting Judeo-Christianity through weekly Sabbath Webcasts, Videos, a Blog, Articles and personal correspondance to answer your life's questions
While traveling to the Feast of Tabernacles, it was amazing to see all of God’s handiwork as we passed the light-painted landscapes and vividly amazing colours sported by each tree. It’s time to kick off the Feast and we’re ready for a good spiritual meal! It’s time to Feast!
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Presently we see the once prosperous Western world of 2011 drowning in red ink. Various European Union countries, and the United States of America are wrestling with the financial issues coming from too much sovereign debt and not enough taxes from their populations to pay for it. The news is full of controversy about the right policies to pursue to deal with this potentially catastrophic problem. As The Economist magazine likes to point out,
“for most of human history economic power has been determined by demography” (A Game of Catch-up, 09/20/2011)…
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Mining a Reputation
Starting on June 3, 2011, and continuing periodically throughout the summer a group of wealthy individuals hiding behind anonymity and fictitious names with false return addresses began distributing on the Internet site a string of hard-hitting allegations…
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In the days leading up to the anniversary of the terrorist attack on New York’s Twin Towers the news media are full of stories about how our lives have changed as result of that deadly event. Make no mistake about it. Much has changed, and not for the good!
Even in Canada, which was not directly in 9/11’s crosshairs, the costs have been high.
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Your average person assumes that the rich people of this world are just like them—only that they have a lot more money! Well, you know what they say about the word “assume,” don’t you? When one assumes something he or she takes a risk of making an “ass” out of “u” and “me.” So how are the rich different from the poor?
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Are you wondering what’s going on in the world as the price of gold closes in on $1800 an ounce?
Some say the stock market has not just crashed, but that it’s snapped like a rubber band. An editorial cartoonist drew a nesting vulture on the iconic Wall Street sign to depict the current feeling of gloom prevailing at America’s financial hub.
In truth, the United States and the European Union are slowly drowning in seas of sovereign debt that may be impossible to pay off except through the type of hyperinflation that will make a roll of toilet paper worth more than a wheelbarrow full of currency. Investors are scared…
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A day for prayer and fasting. Isaiah 58
In consideration of the current state of our world, the injustice and oppression of every sort that keeps people chained in darkness and unable to come to the light of God’s truth, we are going to be fasting together on August 9, 2011 to ask for God’s help. We will pray that God will shed his light on those who are stumbling, doubting, or fearful that they may gain discernment, courage, and wisdom to walk that narrow path leading to eternal life. We will ask that God will remove any willful blindness and enable us to walk a straight path in an increasingly corrupt society.
National leaders worldwide are facing monumental challenges and are having to make decisions now that will impact our lives for decades to come. We will pray for God’s mercy on us all, so that we may continue to have the freedoms we now enjoy: freedom to preach the truth without reservation, to travel, to associate with other believers, to worship God as we are commanded in scripture, and freedom of conscience.
We would welcome anyone who would like to set aside this day to pray and fast with us. We know of many brethren facing personal trials. These may be tests of character, financial troubles, ill health, discouragement, or loneliness. Accordingly, this will be a special time for us to pray for each other asking God to meet our every need and to comfort the faint of heart. We know that God hears our prayers for others and that the fervent, effectual prayers of a righteous people are precious in God’s eyes. More