Christians: Fasting on the Day Atonement? Are there clues in the scripture to help Christians know God’s expectations in regards…

October 2nd, 2012
Atonement: Fasting before the Feast
1 Comment, Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.
Propitiation, now what does that mean? It has a profound part to play in our understanding of the meaning of…
February 3rd, 2012
The Significance of Stooping Low, are you Humble?
Comments Off on The Significance of Stooping Low, are you Humble?, Articles, Jean Jantzen, by COG Webcast.
Significance of Stooping Low by Jean Jantzen Dr. Ben Franklin once received a very useful lesson from the excellent Dr….
October 8th, 2011
Too Late for Repentance?
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Too Late for Repentance? from Cogwebcast on Vimeo . Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement is celebrated on the 10th…
August 10th, 2011
In Times of Crisis – Fast
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Are you wondering what’s going on in the world as the price of gold closes in on $1800 an ounce?…
August 7th, 2011
A Time to Fast
Comments Off on A Time to Fast, Blog, News, by CGP.
A day for prayer and fasting. Isaiah 58 In consideration of the current state of our world, the injustice and…