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December 9th, 2023

Chanukah’s Message: Present, Past and Future — Resist Evil

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The world is trying to grapple with the events of the past few months in the Middle East, but this is nothing new. Our present situation has a powerful connection to events of the past and the prophecy of Daniel about the Seleucid Empire’s attempts to dominate Judea. And the question of good and evil is still the one that should be foremost in our minds. God warns us of the consequences of falling prey to the idea that good and evil are relative, or that good is evil and evil is good. More

December 9th, 2023

Children of God Series

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children of the Father by the spiritOur Father, the God of all creation, has a deep desire to have loving family relationships with his children. As all good fathers, God has a plan to help his children draw close to him and emulate his ways so they can grow to spiritual maturity. Let’s examine the many ways in which we become attached to God so we might become like our Father? More

November 26th, 2023

War or Peace – What is Your Vision for the Future?

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War or Peace? Our world longs for peace and a way out of misery, suffering and death. But is the world willing to make the changes necessary to eradicate war and promote peace? Are there too many people in the world who love war and hate peace? Are there those whose conflicting passions, envy, selfishness and evil deeds make war the natural consequence? The Lord God, the Word of God, makes it clear that there is no peace for the wicked, it is merely a matter of cause and effect.
The story of Jehu and his overthrow of Ahab’s dynasty is a case in point. It is self-deception to think that idolatry, murder, and deceit can produce anything but conflict — war! Yet the scriptures give us more than warnings of future warfare it also give us hope of future peace. This vision of peace is taught from Genesis to Revelation and the prophecies of a future time of peace are promises made by the God who never lies and is ever-faithful.
Do you know what the scripture teaches in regards to how peace will be achieved and the scourge of war will end? And have you considered how these prophecies are meant to impact our daily lives, giving us hope and providing us with wisdom to walk in peace now?
Let’s search the scriptures together to understand God’s mind on the matter of war or peace. More

November 18th, 2023

Is Anti-Semitism Good or Bad Theology?

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Jesus said that a good tree would produce good fruit and a bad tree would produce bad fruit. When we consider the conflict between Hamas and the state of Israel, we realize it is a theological controversy. This controversy and the underlying anti-semitism has ancient roots and the tree has either produced good or bad fruit.
But we will start to examine the story beginning with the history of the Roman world at the time of the Jewish revolts in the first and second century. We will briefly look at the causes of a rising anti-semitism in the state and a subsequent adoption of anti-semitic bias in the early Roman church. We will consider the question of why the early Roman church fathers forsook their Hebrew roots and developed a new ‘Gentile Christianity.’

Then we will examine the scriptures to determine God’s attitude towards his people and how he dealt with them when they failed to live up to their covenant. God made and reiterated promises to his people, so we must ask whether the God we worship as Christians is a God who keeps his promises. Can we count on God to be good to his word? And if so, do we have the same mindset that God has when it comes to the issue of anti-semitism. More

November 11th, 2023

Salvation is of the Jews??

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In a time of rising anti-semitism, Jesus statement that ‘Salvation is of the Jews’ seems antithetical to many who consider themselves Christians. So what was Jesus talking about and how should it direct our thought and action today?
Understanding the context of this scripture gives us the first clue and provides us with more questions. Who were the Samaritans, what did they believe and what was their relationship to the scriptures? Answering these questions in their historical context helps us understand what Jesus said and why he said it. More

November 4th, 2023

Attached to God — The Remedy for Separation

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Are we ‘attached’ to God and what does this mean in daily life? Gordon Neufeld, an inspiring speaker has proposed a developmental model for human growth based on the power of attachment of children to nurturing parents. This model is also useful in considering our spiritual parent, our Father, and our relationship to him as his children. Just as children attach to parents and family life, so God’s children are in a deep and abiding, lifelong relationship with him. We need to be close to God, imitating his actions, loyal to his values, feeling loved and appreciated, and knowing that God understands our deepest yearning. And yet. there are times when we misstep, derail, and fall short of God’s expectations for us. What then? Is God only there for us when we please him? Or does God provide a remedy to bridge those things that separate us from God?
Consider this powerful hope that we have in God’s grace and mercy, so we can continue to walk with him even after we have stumbled. And then consider the implications for family life and mending relationships between parents and children. More

November 1st, 2023

Do You have a Generous Spirit?

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A spirit of generosity is an element that has united brethren for millennia, beginning in those very first weeks when the brethren in the Jerusalem church supported those who had travelled from afar with food and lodging. Our generosity towards others is an outgrowth of God’s generosity towards us, for not only has he provided all of our physical benefits but he has given us the great hope of eternal life. Paul in writing to the brethren in Rome, reiterated the vital importance of giving generously in our service to God and to those in our care. He asks us to reflect on whether our spiritual sacrifice reflects that generous spirit in the use of the gifts we have been given. Whether writing to the Corinthians or Ephesians or speaking with the Macedonians or the Greeks in Athen’s his generosity of spirit was evidenced in how he treated the believer and the non-believer. Are we living with a deep appreciation of God’s graciousness towards us and are we living with that same generosity of spirit in our interactions with others? It’s time to consider how we can better reflect God’s nature in this matter. More