COG Webcast


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August 26th, 2023

Children of God — Significance in Service to God

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Wise parents know that as children mature they should be given responsibilities in the family to help them feel a part of the family enterprise. By having family goals and a sense of purpose that incorporates a family’s children in the purpose of achieving those goals, a child’s feeling of belonging to the family increases and that his or her life has meaning and that his or her efforts are valued. Even mere employees of a corporate enterprise work best and most faithfully when their loyalty and hard work is appreciated by their employer who values their contributions and who shows appreciation for the efforts of their employees. As family members or merely as employees whenever we are given new responsibilities and our efforts are rewarded with appropriate respect and praise—we feel significant! More

August 24th, 2023

Children of God — Imitating the Father

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Children of God – Imitating the Father
How do children learn? In early life patterns of thought and behaviour are learned through imitation. Children learn to sound and act like those who care for them. Spiritually speaking we are to follow this same pattern of development by imitating Christ — doing what he did. His life was an example, a model for us to admire and emulate. As our Messiah, Jesus came to honour his Father by serving his brethren and teaching as he had been taught. He came to model the attitudes and actions that would lead to abundant life. Sometimes his example was in direct contradiction to the attitudes of his era. Jesus’ approach to children, Gentiles, and the law of God was radically different from the normative societal practices. Are we following the Father’s teachings by imitating Christ in our attitudes and actions? More

August 12th, 2023

Children of God — Love and Belonging

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Children of God — Love and Belonging

As children of God we are part of a family with God as our Father and many brothers and sisters. To maintain strong family ties and build close relationships, Jesus provided us the key.
He instructed his disciples, his followers, to love others in the same way that he had loved them.
This is a tall order! And yet it is vital to maintaining the bonds that bind families and church brethren together. So how do we love one another? And what is love, agape, as defined by the God whose defining characteristic is love? More

August 8th, 2023

Children of God — Draw Close to God

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Reflecting on our amazing heritage as children of God can inspire and motivate us to draw close to God as our Father. We are reminded by Jesus that in order to have this close relationship, this deep personal attachment to our Father, we must become as little children.

Parents understand the importance of listening to their children and responding to their needs, similarly God hears us and provides the care we need. God wants us to have the heart of a child who cries out for help and trusts in him to respond. Consider the examples of Jeremiah, Jonah, Asa, and Jehoshaphat, men who looked to God for their safety and security in times of great distress. Let their stories encourage us in our times of trial, so we may draw close to God and put our trust in his deliverance. More

July 22nd, 2023

Loyalty and the 9th of Av

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In a time of divided loyalties, who deserves your loyalty and trust? Our loyalties are the product of our values and what we esteem highly. For those who profess a belief in the Creator God, it is God alone who deserves our loyalty first and foremost, for he is loyal and can be trusted. Yet, in reading many biblical accounts, it is evident that God tests the loyalty of those who follow him. More

July 15th, 2023

Blessings or Curses — What Will You Choose?

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The discovery of the Mt. Ebal Curse tablet has provided evidence of the historicity of the biblical accounts in the books of Deuteronomy and Joshua.
Do you know the story?
Moses had instructed that the whole nation and the foreigners with them were to proclaim blessings on Mt. Gerizim and curses on Mt. Ebal after they had entered the promised land. This dramatic chorus was led by Joshua and the Priests who read from the writings of Moses as God had spoken them to him. So what is the take-away for Christians in our time? Are there still blessings and curses? Has the Lord God of Israel changed, or is he the same today as he was in the past and will continue to be in the future. More

July 8th, 2023

Is Your Christianity Co-opted?

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There are some astonishing parallels between the challenges of the first century Christians and followers of Christ today. But we have the New Testament writers to thank for their warnings as they have given us wisdom to navigate the political and social turmoil of our time. In Paul’s day in Judea there were four major factions all vying for political power and the church brethren were often in danger of being subverted by one group or another. More