COG Webcast

June 17th, 2014

The Hope of Resurrection

Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.


Hope of the resurrection!

Hope of the resurrection!

Christ was resurrected from the dead and this gives us the hope and assurance that all who have a relationship with God and a love for the truth will be ransomed from death and resurrected to eternal life. But where do we find the scriptural evidence for this belief, and what is the nature of the resurrection? This series examines the biblical teaching about the hope of resurrection. Faith in the resurrection is one of those basic doctrines that each Christian must understand and be able to explain to others, to comfort and encourage them with God’s words of hope.

The Christian’s Big Payoff

Death Where is Your Sting?

The Godly Promise: Resurrection to Eternal Life

A Day of Judgment

Mercy on the Nations: Resurrection to Judgment

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