Church of God Webcast promoting Judeo-Christianity through weekly Sabbath Webcasts, Videos, a Blog, Articles and personal correspondance to answer your life's questions
Comments Off on Arab Springs Blossoms of Hate: Egypt Israel Relations, Filed in Blog, by CGP.
On Monday March 12th, the new Islamist-dominated Egyptian parliament unanimously voted to expel Israel’s ambassador in Cairo and to stop all natural gas exports. Secondarily, the Egyptian parliamentarians resolved that Egypt would never [no longer?] be a friend, partner or ally of the “Zionist entity.”
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A team of German and American biologists working in Madagascar recently announced that they had discovered the world’s smallest chameleon, which they named Brookesia micra…
Comments Off on Assad: Syrian Civil Conflict, Filed in Blog, by CGP.
News reports today, like every other day this week, are telling a gruesome tale of slaughter and brutality in the Syrian civil conflict. These reports are shocking, but not surprising, as the Syrian army uses its heavy weapons ostensibly purchased to fight with the Israeli army to now indiscriminately bombard and kill its own citizens…
Comments Off on Twisted Honour: Killing the one you should love, Filed in Blog, by CGP.
The lead story in Canada for the last couple of days has been about the guilty verdicts for four first-degree murders that the jury brought down on Mohammad Shafia, his polygamous second wife, Tooba Mohammad Yahya, and his oldest son, 21-year-old Hamed Mohammad Shafia.
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Finem respice! Principiis obsta! Yeah, you now know I must be an antiquity since I did indeed study Latin in the 8th grade in public school. But a little Latin and a love of history and the Bible does give me something of an edge when it comes to discerning the World Tomorrow. After all, as King Solomon the Wise once wrote: What has been is what will be,
and what has been done is what will be done,
and there is nothing new under the sun.
Finem respice means “consider the end,” while Principiis obsta translates as “resist the beginnings…”
Comments Off on Does What You Believe Really Matter?, Filed in Blog, Rebecca Stewart, by CGP.
Does what you believe Really matter?
Two streams of my life converged this week in an interesting way to challenge me on the question of, whether what I believe is important. It’s easy to take an academic philosophical point of view on such things, but this week it has become more of a pragmatic challenge. In my role of teacher I am being challenged to find ways to help students learn, who would really rather not…at least not in class, or not on topics that the adults in their lives think are valuable for them to know now. It would probably be easiest for me to fall back into a regimented worksheet oriented program with lots of reading of the text and answering comprehension questions, but my belief, based on some success in other venues, is that ultimately more learning goes on in a project–based approach where students must search out knowledge and create something new with that knowledge.
So my belief is important in two ways. More
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This evening I listened to the 6 p.m. news on CBC’s Radio 1 to catch up on the latest. The lead story was about the Executive Director of Scouts Canada resigning after less than a year in her new job. Next, there was a story about women and mammograms, or perhaps more accurately, when women shouldn’t get mammograms, as they have been over prescribed.
And then, there was a report about how the U.S.’s congressional super committee composed of 6 Republicans and 6 Democrats failed to agree on how to begin to cut the U.S.A.’s trillion-dollar budget deficit. Presently, for every dollar the U.S. federal government spends, it must borrow 36 cents. That means 36 percent of its budget must be financed by borrowing the money from the financial markets!
But, is it really news that the political situation in the U.S.A. is deadlocked and the nation divided…