Church of God Webcast promoting Judeo-Christianity through weekly Sabbath Webcasts, Videos, a Blog, Articles and personal correspondance to answer your life's questions
Comments Off on Netanyahu Coalition – When will the other shoe drop?, Filed in Blog, by CGP.
Netanyahu coalition May 2012: Last week the most astonishing news came out of Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu put together, unexpectedly, a much larger governing Likud coalition for the State of Israel by bringing into the government the middle-of-the –road, politically speaking, Kadima party. This new unity government controls a little more than 78 percent of the votes in the Israeli parliament. Very few governments in the Western, democratic world can match that sort of consensus. In fact, the weighty impact of this majority is described by one Israeli columnist as a “hundred tons of solid concrete”
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The infamous Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, has started up on Russia’s state-funded RT (formerly Russian Times) cable broadcaster a weekly talk show program, The World Tomorrow. To many it is apparent that Assange ripped off the name of the long-running religious program called The World Tomorrow TV broadcast. Wow, Assange has a real load of hutzpah, but then we already knew that!
Comments Off on Rather Outspoken on Who Controls the News, Filed in Blog, by CGP.
For better than 40 years Dan Rather worked in mainstream journalism. In fact he was a “star” reporter among his fellow journalists from the early 1960s to 2005. Rather worked as the evening news anchor for the elite media outlet—the CBS News network—during a time when the TV news supplanted the newspapers and radio as the most important source of the news that Americans depended upon to keep them up to date with what was going in their nation and world. For Rather, quality journalism demands grit…
Comments Off on America’s Midwest cursed with drought…, Filed in Blog, by CGP.
I recently returned from a visit to my dad who lives in the irrigated farming area of southern Idaho’s Snake River Valley. After leaving a very green and lush British Columbia, once I drove south into Washington State and then over the pass through the coastal Cascade mountain range immediately east of Seattle, the dominant impression is one of a heat-blasted, parched-brown countryside…drought conditions…
Comments Off on Punishing the Messenger, Filed in Blog, by CGP.
Our western society, though it speaks loftily of its veneration of free speech, takes actions that belie those words. The message of the Christian scriptures in many circles is being silenced and those who voice it’s message are being punished for expressing their opinions, or even asking reasonable questions. Why is this?
The news media in Canada over the last few days has been covering the story of the five-day suspension from a Nova Scotia high school of a 19-year-old senior, William Swinimer. His offense was wearing a T-shirt bearing the slogan “Life is wasted without Jesus.”
Comments Off on Legalizing Prostitution? Calling Black, White, Filed in Blog, by CGP.
By a weird twist of irony, Canada’s 1982 Charter of Rights and Freedoms is now being interpreted by the Ontario Court of Appeal some 30 years after its immaculate conception by Pierre Trudeau as enshrining the inalienable human right of a certain sort of business people, who carry whips and dress in black leather…
Comments Off on Eco-terrorist or Hero?, Filed in Blog, by CGP.
How should you save the Earth?
On Earth Day this past Sunday, I decided to do something good for the environment—-and for my family and myself. I took up a large big box retailer’s offer to trade in my rusting, ancient of days, gasoline-powered, emissions-spewing lawn mower for a discount off the price of an environmentally friendly classic…