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Malachi, the messenger of God, wrote the Lord’s message to rehearse the events and lessons of previous centuries and to foreshadow future events. He wrote in a time when people were becoming complacent and losing hope. This book which forms a bridge between the Hebrew and Greek scriptures was traditionally read on the Great Sabbath before Passover. In God’s great human epic, God warns those who say they are his people but refuse to acknowledge their failings and do what is right. God takes issue with the contemptuous priests, who do not honour him. He will judge those teachers who are hypocrites and show favouritism. More
Marriage — Safe Harbour
Marriage may have gone out of fashion in some circles, but living with reality instead of fantasy is important. And the reality is marriage was designed to be a ‘safe harbour’ from the vicissitudes of life. So is this your marriage? And if it is not, what can you do about it?
An important principle to understand is that your marriage is a covenant, and it should reflect the same kind of covenant loyalty that you have with God. More
Fellowship of the King
In Genesis, the book of beginnings, God initiated a plan that has been consistent through time. It was a plan for man to be brought into fellowship with God and to work in partnership to accomplish his purpose. Yet, there would be challenges, as powerful spiritual forces would always be at work trying to undermine the plan and enslave the people.
Like Frodo and Sam in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, we, as believers, have ‘fallen into this story’ and have become part of a fellowship — the Fellowship of the King. More
Christ Will Return – All Things Fulfilled
The disciples during Jesus’ ministry expected Jesus, the Messiah, to fulfill all of the prophecies written about him in the Hebrew scriptures. In fact he had promised them that he had come to fulfill all that was written in the law, the writings, and the prophets.
And yet, when quoting the book of Isaiah in the synagogue, Jesus stopped his message half-way through the passage and declared that this portion of the scripture had been fulfilled.
Christ had indeed come to bring the ‘good news,’ but there was more to the prophecy. More
Don’t Rationalize a False Faith – Countering Christian Minimalists
Why did most Christians compromise or collaborate with the Nazi’s in the 1930’s? The history of that time is very instructive for our time. It also recalls a time in the history of God’s people when there were those faithful few who stood up to the overwhelming might of the Seleucid empire . And were it not for their faith in the truth of scripture and their courage to fight the evil of the time then there would have been no Jewish nation when Jesus, the Messiah was born. More
Petitions, Prayers, Intercession and Thanksgiving
God hears the petitions and prayers of his people. Whether we are in personal distress, or our nations are facing daunting foes, our prayers can make all the difference. Hezekiah, the King of Judah, knew this to be true when the Assyrians attacked Jerusalem. Earlier, Hezekiah had been on his death bed, but God had heard his prayers and seen his tears, and healed him of a fatal illness. So when Sennacharib’s army began to demolish the cities of Judah, Hezekiah knew where to turn for help. Do we?
Some of the Separatists and Non-conformist Christians found refuge in the new world. Their’s is a story of thankfulness in tough times. One couple, Steven and Ann Mumford, sailed for Rhode Island in the hopes of escaping the religious discrimination in England that had made life increasingly difficult. Rhode Island’s governor had provided a safe haven for these religious refugees with the creation of a Charter in 1663 that guaranteed freedom of worship. Over time the Mumford’s and others established the first Sabbath-keeping congregation in the colonies. Their efforts created the legacy upon which the modern Churches of God have been built. More
Is the Law of Moses “done away.” The majority report from traditional Christianity would say a resounding, “Yes!” But what do the scriptures say? The issue of grace and law has been debated for centuries, and the majority have been led to believe that grace is all that is needed for believers to be “saved.” But there is the scripturalist view, the minority report. It encourages believers to look carefully at what God says, and to reject tradition that is contrary to biblical teaching. So do you know from God’s perspective, if it is wise to forget the “Law of Moses?” More