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May 27th, 2017

Law of Moses — Love Your Neighbour

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law of Moses love your neighbour

Law of Moses — Love Your Neighbour

In our secular society the question is, “Does the Bible have any place in your life?” And as Christians we might answer a resounding, “Yes.” However, ask many Christians, “Does the law of Moses have any place in your life?” and you might get a different answer. Both Paul and Peter warned of false teachers who would deny their master, Jesus Christ. Using clever arguments they would deceive people while promising them freedom from the law. And this is the reality in many Christian churches. Yet, doesn’t Christ himself say we are to live by every word of God? The law of Moses — the torah, first five books of the Bible — is a part of that “word.” So, what is it’s value? More

May 7th, 2017

Should We Forget the Law of Moses

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forget the law of Moses?

Forget the Law of Moses?

Is the Law of Moses “done away.” The majority report from traditional Christianity would say a resounding, “Yes!” But what do the scriptures say? The issue of grace and law has been debated for centuries, and the majority have been led to believe that grace is all that is needed for believers to be “saved.” But there is the scripturalist view, the minority report. It encourages believers to look carefully at what God says, and to reject tradition that is contrary to biblical teaching. So do you know from God’s perspective, if it is wise to forget the “Law of Moses?” More

May 6th, 2017

Christ Wants You!

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God wants you
Christ Wants YOU!

Who Has God Called?

Jesus in the parable of the wedding supper issues an invitation to potential followers, “Come to the wedding supper!”  Christ wants you in his Kingdom. In essence God is asking you a question, “Are you willing to come? Or, are you too busy to accept God’s invitation?” This parable is also a  lesson to those who have been willing to accept God’s invitation. It’s a lesson in humility. Paul later writes about who God calls into his service, and why? Do you know what he said to the believers at Corinth? What are the implications of Paul’s message for us today? More

April 23rd, 2017

Righteous Government? An Oxymoron?

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Venezuelan protestors

Righteous Government, an Oxymoron?

Is our Government Righteous?

Recently, a liberal writer criticized the Canadian Liberal government under the leadership of Justin Trudeau of trying to be “righteous.” This accusation was focused on the government’s desire to “regulate” the sale of marijuana to minors. There is a general feeling among many liberals that one cannot legislate morality or justice. They then conclude that any legislative attempts to curtail freedom is unnecessary if not counter-productive. But is this the reality? Are there righteous governments? What would they look like, and what policies would they embrace? More

April 22nd, 2017

Fear Not! Go Forward!

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Fear Not, Go Forward!

Israel at the Red Sea go forwardWhy We Remember

Are you facing a “Red Sea” roadblock in your life? Are you prepared to “go forward?” The last Feast day of Passover/Unleavened Bread teaches us powerful lessons about how to live our lives and face the obstacles we encounter. One of God’s instructions to his people at this time of year was to teach our children about the symbols and events of the Passover season. This was not just to be an ancient history lesson, a dull retelling of millennia-old stories. Rather, these stories were object lesson designed to teach us how to live in the present. In this way all generations were to preserve a knowledge of how God works in our lives. More

April 17th, 2017

Faith in Times of Doubt and Unbelief

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Faith in Times of Doubt

faith in times of doubtA Dramatic Shift

Ancient Roman society lacked faith in God. Paul writing to Timothy decried everyday conditions, painting a murky picture of the attitudes and actions of his time.  Our society is experiencing a similar time of doubt. Over the past century much has changed when it comes to attitudes about religious belief. A recent Angus Reid poll declared that over 50% of those surveyed had a negative perception of religion in general. This is an amazing change! Almost equal groups of people, affirm that they are either “non-believers” or “religiously committed.” But, the remaining 60% are either “uncertain” or “private believers.”  These private believers are unwilling to let their faith be known. And, perhaps for good reason. It is difficult to live your faith in times of doubt. More

April 17th, 2017

Winning the Spiritual Battle

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Winning the Spiritual Battle

win the spiritual battleIs the Law, Sin?

God sent Moses to deliver Israel from slavery in Egypt. God kept his covenant promise, and the lamb’s shed blood was a symbol. The blood on the doorpost protected and delivered every household. Later, the Father sent his son to deliver mankind from spiritual slavery, the slavery of sin. His perfect sinless sacrifice made this possible. Yet, many Christians do not understand this deliverance because they do not understand sin, lawlessness. In fact many believe it was the law that was enslaving people. Is this true? Some Christians look to the writings of Paul to bolster this negative view of the law. They say that Paul taught, “the law is sin.” But is this true? It is a matter of spiritual life or death.