Church of God Webcast promoting Judeo-Christianity through weekly Sabbath Webcasts, Videos, a Blog, Articles and personal correspondance to answer your life's questions
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Remember the things I have done in the past.
For I alone am God!
I am God, and there is none like me.
Only I can tell you the future
before it even happens.
Everything I plan will come to pass,
for I do whatever I wish.
Isaiah 46:9-10
Prophecy and history work in tandem in scripture providing accurate details of past events and predicting similar but transformed events for the future. The God of the bible claims that not only has He worked in the past to guide events but He assures bible readers that He is not only able to predict the future but He has the power to bring it to pass. This knowledge of God’s action in history gives believers hope and comfort.
We can all think back on the lessons we have learned and advice from mother. Jeff Patton shares some of these lessons from the “mothers” he has known and then explores the topic of our “spiritual mother,” who she is and what she teaches us. Do you know, or have you made some false assumptions?
Whether it is the proclamation that, “life is wasted without Jesus,” or the question about, “When does life begin” the secularists do not want to consider the Christian worldview. Jeff Patton looks at these recent news events in light of the biblical perspective on”foolishness.” Are you a fool for Christ?
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Can we achieve good ends by any means? Wiebo Ludwig, a christian church leader, was a role model to some and an eco-terrorist to others. What would Jesus have to say about his methods? Jeff Patton sheds light on the scriptures and how we are to achieve our end goal, while relating some fascinating historical and current examples to help us understand God’s perspective on the question of, “Do the ends justify the means?”
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How do we find joy in trials? This seems to be an oxymoron, yet the apostle James says this is something we should do. Jeff Patton delves into the scriptures to examine the joy that comes in the midst of trials as we learn God is our security and significance.
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When Christ came to magnify the law he turned the common idea of leadership upside-down by asserting that we must lead by serving. What is the service that we are to render on God’s behalf? Jeff relates the story of the hard bondage in Egypt and encourages us to rise to the challenge of Christian service that we are called to perform.
It is important to have the big picture and see what God is doing – nationally and individually. Jeff Patton brings a message of hope as we sail in the dangerous political waters of our time that we might not succumb to a lack of godly vision as the Titanic did a hundred years ago. Join Jeff in examining the vision that God’s Festival provides and the scriptural examples of Moses and Eli that provide instructive warnings for our time.