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Messiah The Son of God
Handel’s Messiah imparts the understanding of the Messiah’s relationship to the Most High. It is that of beloved Son to his Father. And Messiah the Son of God has an inheritance — this world. From the beginning, it was the Father’s intent that the Messiah should claim his inheritance. His coming would be a blessing to all nations. His rule as King in Zion would herald a time of peace and freedom. But he was not honoured when he came the first time. Will he be welcomed when he comes to claim the throne that is rightfully his? More
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Messiah Our Healer and Shepherd
A Passover Message – Messiah Our Healer
In 1740 the Messiah oratorio was first performed. It was a tribute to the Passover season and the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This was in keeping with the traditions of primitive Christianity and the observances of the first century Jerusalem church. So Jennens, the Messiah’s lyricist, hearkened back to the prophecy of the Messiah in the book of Isaiah. This passage, often subtitled the “suffering servant,” foretold a message of Christ’s first coming as the Messiah our healer. Isaiah wrote, “With his [Messiah’s] stripes we are healed.” The disciples of Christ’s day witnessed Jesus’ beating and scourging at the hands of Jews and Romans. They could understand these events and the crucifixion of Christ in light of Isaiah’s powerful prophecy. More
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The Authentic Gospel & the Messiah
The Messiah oratorio penned by Handel is a masterpiece of biblical teaching.
With powerful emotion and haunting melodies it preaches the authentic gospel message. The lyricist, Charles Jennens was a non-conformist Christian whose lyrics were designed to preach the ‘authentic gospel.’ It could perhaps be considered now as a “guerilla’ tactic to preach the truth. Carefully Jennens crafted a masterpiece about Jesus, the Messiah, as sung through the voices of many biblical writers. He was not ashamed about the authentic gospel. Rather, Jennens used his talents and the theatre venue to preach the message of hope in the Messiah, and to praise His name.
Do you know that message? Are you living in that hope? Learn more about God’s message of hope to humanity in this series of sermons.
The biblical writers, Jude, Paul, and John, encouraged believers to “fight for the faith once delivered.” They urged their readers to recapture the authentic gospel — what was understood from the beginning. Do you know that gospel? …In this festive winter season it would seem that many have never known ‘primitive’ Christianity. Or, they have forgotten the authentic gospel message.
Handel’s ‘Messiah’ was mysterious to the public who knew little of the bible. So in beginning his work with the message of, “Comfort my people — says your God,” Jennens desire was to speak to the heart of his audience. He wove the scriptures together to appeal to people’s emotions and longings – to comfort the weary with God’s words. And that message still resonates today… More
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John’s Eye-Witness Account
In the authentic gospel Messiah the ‘Lamb of God’ is John’s way of describing the Messiah’s mission. John was referring back to the unblemished male sacrificial lamb that was offered at Passover. But Christ was not only the lamb whose blood protected the people from the Death Angel. His blood sacrifice would purge all sins, for all people, for all time. Why was this necessary? In Noah’s time, God ‘resolved’ the problem of a society that was exceedingly wicked and depraved by eliminating all who sinned. But God would pardon the sins of all those who repented and lived changed lives, through the sacrifice of the Messiah. He has shown us mercy and paid the ultimate price in our stead. More
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The Authentic Gospel Messiah Our Saviour
Perhaps Handel would be surprised to know that though many people have heard his ‘Messiah’ oratorio, many do not read the scriptures. In fact in today’s German household only 50% have a bible, and only 6% read them. Of church-goers, only 7% of Catholics, and 6% of Protestants read the scriptures. So it is no wonder that they do not understand the message of the ‘Messiah.’ Though they set up their nativity scenes at Christmas, they don’t believe the Angelic messengers who heralded the coming of the Messiah. They do not know who the Saviour is, nor the nature of his mission — to save us from death. More
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The Authentic Gospel God with Us
Immanuel – God with Us
The story of the birth of the Messiah is familiar to many Christians. However few are aware of the prophetic implications. In a time of political turmoil, when the fate of the nation seemed to hang in the balance, Ahaz the king of Judah was given a prophetic sign. A virgin was going to conceive and give birth to a son. This sign was to be a hisorical reality foreshadowing the plundering of Israel by Assyria. But, it was also prophetic, heralding the coming of the future Messiah during a time of captivity. A time when in spite of grave danger and turmoil, the good news of the authentic gospel God with us — Immanuel, would give hope to those who trusted in God’s word. More
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Comfort My People
Charles Jennins, the lyricist who arranged the scriptures to create the Messiah oratorio, was a religious dissident in his time. His ‘Messiah’ was mysterious to the public who knew little of the bible. So in beginning his work with the message of, “Comfort my people — says your God,” his desire was to speak to the heart of his audience. He wove the scriptures together to appeal to people’s emotions and longings – to comfort the weary with God’s words. And that message still resonates today for all who hear the Messiah, whether they know the gospel or not. More