Church of God Webcast promoting Judeo-Christianity through weekly Sabbath Webcasts, Videos, a Blog, Articles and personal correspondance to answer your life's questions
Church of God Webcast has a selection of archived sermon videos and other video content in standard and high definition formats for your viewing pleasure. Remember to share the Good News of the Kingdom of God with others by sharing this page!
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In a divided church how do we have spiritual unity and love? Alex Kennedy reflects on this conundrum and presents an answer from scripture on how to act and think spiritually. He encourages us to seek God’s help and follow the Spirit as it works in us to lead a life of love according to God’s purpose.
As a new father, Joshua reflects on the role of God our father, and how fathers are to relate to their children, in loco deus. He draws from his personal experiences to explain the foundation that fathers build for their children in teaching them about God.
Rejoicing in song and praising the Lord. That was a special part of the Feast this year in Penticton, BC. We were blessed with some wonderful renditions of old favourites and some sparkling new works. Here are a few Festival music videos to enjoy:
Cast: Davie family, Leader family, Poffenroth family, Patton Family
Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem teaches us many lessons about our reliance on God for leadership and the value of working together to accomplish God’s purpose. The wall’s restoration provided the people of God with a safe place to worship God and keep the Feast of Tabernacles.
When we are lost, when we are pressed beyond the point of no return, when death or destruction are imminent, remember where to look for refuge. Jeremiah Patton encourages us to learn from the lessons of Mt. Everest and inspires us to act in the knowledge that God is our refuge.
Imagine a world without the “smell of Satan” a time when he is bound, and he will no longer deceive the nations. The Feast is a celebration of fellowship without the thoughts and attitudes broadcast by the adversary, a world without Satan.