COG Webcast


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June 17th, 2023

Pride or Humility

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Consider God’s attitude towards pride and all of its related attributes and actions.

June 3rd, 2023

Kingdom of God – What’s a Saint to Do?

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The picture of who are qualified to be saints and what will their responsibilities be in the future is very fuzzy in the minds of many believers. Jeff examines the scriptures and walks through the many things that saints will be doing when Christ returns as King of Kings. Come along on this exploration of the promises of Jesus Christ to his disciples. Consider the evidence of the writings of Paul, Luke, and John relating to the time of the restoration of all things. And, read the witness of the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah and Micah who outline the events that will transpire at the return of the Messiah. Join our live stream for those who love and live the biblical scriptures. More

May 28th, 2023

Pentecost — Ruth’s Story of Loving Loyalty

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Pentecost – Ruth’s Story

The story of Ruth embodies vital truths relating to the Feast of Pentecost. It invites us to examine the relationship between God’s covenants with the nation and with individuals. God’s word provides the instructions we need to keep this holy time for all generations, so we can consider God’s message for our time. The book of Ruth was traditionally read during this harvest festival and it reminded the people of their duty to care for the poor and the foreigner. The topic of gleaning as a way of providing charity for the needy was intimately tied to Pentecost/Feast of Firstfruits.

But Ruth’s personal story goes beyond these surface connections to embody the essence of God’s nature and his purpose. More

May 6th, 2023

A King’s Oath – Modern and Ancient

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The recent coronation of King Charles III and his duty to reign justly bring to mind God’s instructions to kings and the hope that Christians have of the return of the King of Kings. The modern Oath that the king affirms has many valuable components. However, curiously, the promise to honour God and the law of God are seemingly in opposition to the promise to promote the state church. Jeff considers some of the aspects of the scriptures that highlight this irony and that would pose a dilemma for any king. More

April 26th, 2023

God Our Healer — Lessons from Exodus

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God – Healer and Provider

One of the great lessons of the Exodus was that God would  provide. He would be their leader and guide to the promised land and he could be trusted to keep his promises. One of those promises was that the people would not suffer all the diseases of Egypt and its culture. But this would also be a test of the people and their willingness to follow God’s guidance and obey his instructions. More

April 15th, 2023

Lessons from Exodus — Temptation

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Christ left his disciples with a message of warning to watch and pray so they would not give into life’s temptations. James reminded his readers that temptation and testing was a vital part of the believer’s walk. For it was through testing that we were to build faith and develop endurance. The story of Israel’s Exodus and journey through the wilderness was one of failing to resist the temptations they faced. Paul used their example to encourage the brethren to be faithful in facing the tests and temptations that were part of living in Corinth, a city known for its licentious idolatrous culture. Paul wanted people to consider the lessons to be garnered from the lives of the Israelites in the wilderness, as well as, Achan, Samson, David and others who succumbed to temptations and brought great misery on themselves and others. We all face temptations prompted by personal desires or the pressures of adversity. No generation has been exempt from the temptations that John summarized as the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life.
The good news is that God provides the way out of every temptation. He has the answer and the antidote for the temptations that could lead us into sins that undermine our relationship with Christ and our Father. Let the scriptures provide you with the mindset, the thoughts, and the attitudes that will help you meet and overcome every temptation. Join our live stream for those who love and live the biblical scriptures.

April 9th, 2023

Lessons from Exodus – Hard Hearts or Sincerity and Truth?

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Hard Hearts or Sincerity and Truth

The Exodus from Egypt tested Pharaoh’s heart, but it also tested the hearts of the people God was delivering from slavery. Would they listen to the truth and walk in faith? Or would their hard hearts cause them to stumble and not enter their promised land? Could they leave Egypt and its culture behind and embrace God’s light and his teachings? Or would they continue to walk in darkness with blind eyes and hard hearts unable to leave behind the ways they had learned in Egypt? As followers of the Lord, we face many of the same challenges in trying to leave a toxic society that despises God’s teachings. So how do we overcome the very human tendency towards a heart hardened by stubbornness and self-will? More