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We all have important choices and decisions to make. So how do we find the wisdom to make good decisions? How do we avoid making foolish mistakes, because we lack understanding? The scriptures tell us that God is the stability of our times and the source of the knowledge we need to make wise choices. So how do we access this knowledge? Consider the example of Ahithophel and Absalom, Hushai, and David.
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Do we have a full awareness of God’s grace, favour, and joy? Do we have a calm delight in God, His godly joy? How can we experience this kind of joy in the midst of a world full of personal and societal challenges that threaten to overwhelm us at times? Let the scriptures reveal the source of true joy.
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Unleavened Bread: Entering our Promised Land
What will it take for us to enter our promised land, the kingdom of God? You can be inspired in your walk with God, by the lessons of faith and obedience that can be learned from the history of Israel, and the lives of Joshua and Caleb. Be inspired by God’s miracles and His guidance, for we are not alone in our life’s walk.
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We have all met people who insist that their group is the only group God is using, or that you need to know the special name that God wants people to use, or that you are not pleasing God unless you follow them and the calendar they have calculated. But what does God say about these ideas? Jeff Patton explains Paul’s commentary on these types of “religious devotions” and the sectarian dangers inherent in them. How would you answer people who in their sincere desire to please God are caught up in this form of presumptuousness?
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Overcoming Sin
Hebrews 12:1-2
12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.2 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.
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Presumptuous sins are willful sins, sins of taking to ourselves authority that is not our own, sins that take advantage of our pride. Historically, groups and individuals have taken liberties and “over-stepped their bounds” in establishing forms of worship not set out in scripture. Are we guilty of this kind of arrogance, relying on our own intellectual reasoning, instead of carefully following God’s instructions. Are the observance of Sunday and Easter presumptuous sins?
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As we approach Passover, we have the biblical admonition to examine ourselves, looking into that mirror of God’s instructions and reflecting on our lives over the past year. King David understood this essential aspect of spiritual growth and he asked God to cleanse him of presumptuous sins. Jeff Patton takes a closer look at the nature of presumptuous sins and how we can recognize them and eliminate them from our lives. There is a great reward for following God’s instructions in this matter.