COG Webcast


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July 1st, 2015

God is Good

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IMG_5243Why do we worship God? Why do we want to have a personal relationship with the God of the bible? Learning lessons from Solomon and Paul, we can appreciate God’s nature in dealing with his people, and even those who do not acknowledge Him. God is good, always and for all time, and for this reason we can walk with Him in confidence and with gratitude. So how is God good? Can you count the ways?


View more videos and articles to learn about God and his teachings from the ‘sola scriptura’ perspective.
It is God’s spirit that leads us into all truth as we read his word.


July 1st, 2015

God is Great: Lovers of God in a Dangerous Time

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God is great starsWe are living in a dangerous time: 60 million people worldwide are refugees seeking asylum elsewhere, economists are waiting for the next round of the European/world financial chaos, and the Middle-East is in turmoil. So how can we sleep at night? Jeff reminds us that God is great, and we can take comfort that he can deliver those who love Him.


View more videos and articles to learn about God and his teachings from the ‘sola scriptura’ perspective. More

June 29th, 2015

In the World but Not of the World

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in the world lighthouse
In the world but not of the world, now that may seem confusing, but it is a principle that Jesus related to his disciples, those who followed his teachings. In what ways are we to live in this world, society and culture, and yet not be a part of it? Jeff examines the scriptures to gain a better understanding of this vital concept, and explain our role as servants of God in a world that rejects Him and His values.

June 13th, 2015

Living in the Spirit

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footprints living in spirit
The scripture contrasts two ways of life: living in the flesh and living in the spirit. One leads to death and the other to eternal life. So what does it mean to “live in the spirit?”
When and how does life in the spirit begin, and what are the benefits of such a life? Jeff takes you through the scriptures to answer these vital questions.

June 13th, 2015

Living a Debt Free Life

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debt-freeOur world and it’s global marketing system is bowing under the weight of its debt. But the more important lesson is to understand living a debt free life, spiritually. Why is it important to the Christian to understand spiritual debt, and true freedom? Jeff brings to light life lessons from the Proverbs, the lives of David and Elisha, the Lord’s Prayer, the parables, and Paul’s writings to illuminate the way in which our indebtedness is paid, and we can live debt-free. We write our debts with our own hands, but they can be forgiven.

June 13th, 2015

Producing Good Fruit

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good fruit 2God is a “gardener” who is interested in producing good fruit. As the pinnacle of His creation, He is working in us to produce those fruits in our lives that will please Him. The physical analogy of the natural world as God’s garden, and the growth from seed to mature fruit-bearing plant helps us understand the spiritual reality. As Thoreau said, “Convince me that you have a seed there, and I will expect wonders.” God is also expecting wonders.

June 13th, 2015

Vision for the Future

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VISION of the future pondThe secular world doesn’t offer a vision of anything more than, “Eat, drink, and be merry.” But God offers an amazing vision of the future. The lessons of Ecclesiastes, and the stories of Shebna and Hilkiah, and the apostle Paul teach us about the need for a transcendental view of the future. Will we embrace the vision that motivated Abraham and all of God’s faithful servants? More