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June 25th, 2016

Is Brexit Part of Prophecy?

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is brexit part of prophecy
Is Brexit Part of Prophecy?

Everything looks the same in the dark, but with the light of scripture we can gain understanding and discernment so that world events are not just grey and murky…like everything that is seen in the shadow of darkness. To have spiritual light we need to look into God’s word and avoid the temptations and challenges that are in the world. Living by every word of God was a test on the people in Moses’ day, and on Jesus when challenged by Satan after 40 days of fasting. Like our Lord and Saviour, we need to be diligent in obeying God’s instructions, refusing Satan’s temptations, so that we may enjoy the blessings that come from the Father of light. We, the people of God, are called to forsake spiritual delusion and “come out of” the political/economic system that makes merchandise of people. So what are the spiritual lessons and the prophetic messages that can be garnered from the Brexit experience? What does scripture say? Is Brexit part of prophecy?

Purpose of Prophecy

June 22nd, 2016

Why Does God Care About Us?

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Why God Cares2
Why Does God Care About Us…and You!

David asked God the question, “Lord, what is man that you take notice of him;
    the son of man, that you think of him?”

The scriptures give us the answer and help us understand the nature of our spiritual Father, for we have been created in his image and likeness for a great purpose. Father’s day is a good time to reflect on God our Father’s plan for all of his children and to consider the attributes that he wants his firstborn  to develop in order to live in covenant with Him.
The future holds wonderful promise to those who have a knowledge of the truth, have been restored to a right relationship with God the Father, and are being perfected. Let the scripture unveil this mystery of the ages, for the Father is indeed mindful of his children. His love for them and His eternal purpose will be revealed to His family, those who bear His name. It is important to fully understand the answer to the question, “Why does God care about us?”

God the Father: Do You Know Him?

Want to know more about the Father? Check out this video series.

The Nature of God

June 18th, 2016

Ruth and Pentecost

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Ruth and Pentecost
Ruth and Pentecost

Traditionally the book of Ruth was read on Pentecost, Shavuoth, the Feast of Weeks. What are the lessons that God wanted us to glean from Ruth and Pentecost? The Jews reflect on the giving of the law to the people of Israel during the Shavuoth season, and Christians rehearse the giving of the Holy Spirit to the Jewish believers in Christ, the Messiah, on Pentecost.

So how does the book of Ruth fit into this picture?
This is a time to consider how to live obediently in the spirit, how to be led, yielded to God’s will, and how to put our faith into action. Living in an era, not unlike that of the book of Judges and the time of Ruth, a time when “everyone did what is right in their own sight” we would benefit from the encouragement God gives us in scripture. The book of Ruth, a great love story, speaks to us today, whether Jew or Gentile, so we can put our trust in God and be confident in His blessings as children of God. Are we, like Ruth, circumcised in heart by the spirit, willing to make God our God, and committed to living and walking as God desires?

Pentecost: A Time to Celebrate Learn more here!

June 18th, 2016

Pentecost, Shavuot, Feast of Weeks: A Time to Celebrate!

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Pentecost/Feast of Weeks:

Pentecost: Perfecting the SaintsPentecost celebrates the awesome power of the voice of the Eternal delivering the covenant from Mt. Sinai amidst the thunder and lightning. It also commemorates the giving of the Holy Spirit and the establishment of the Church of God, after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, the Messiah. Pentecost, Shavuot, Feast of Weeks is an annual Sabbath rich in meaning for all those who believe in the hope of the resurrection.

And you shall count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering: seven Sabbaths shall be completed. 16 Count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath; then you shall offer a new grain offering to the LORD…And you shall proclaim on the same day that it is a holy convocation to you. You shall do no customary work on it. It shall be a statute forever in all your dwellings throughout your generations. Leviticus 23:15-21

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  • Pentecost and Ruth

    Ruth and PentecostRuth and Pentecost

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    So how does the book of Ruth fit into this picture?

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Youth Activities:

Paul had decided to sail on past Ephesus, for he didn’t want to spend any more time in the province of Asia. He was hurrying to get to Jerusalem, if possible, in time for the Festival of Pentecost. Acts 20:16

God’s Holy Days Read more here!

June 11th, 2016

Access the Tree of Life

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Access the Tree of Life

People are destroyed for lack of knowledge, but what kind of knowledge? In our time, when the tree of the knowledge of good and evil has filled the earth with the unintended consequences of human smarts and cunning, how can we gain access to the tree of life? The serpent in Eden having fallen from his status as an annointed guardian cherub at the throne of God through pride and violence, beguiled our first parents so that they cut themselves off from the tree of life. But this did not alter God’s plan, as he had made provision for just such an occurrence! From the very beginning the Creator, the Lord God, was prepared to sacrifice himself for his creation. He would heal the breech between God and man and restore the path to the tree of life for those who desired the knowledge of God. Where Adam brought death, Christ, the second Adam would bring renewal, restoration, and the access to the tree of life in God’s paradise for those who achieved the victory, living according to the knowledge of God

June 11th, 2016

Tree of Knowledge: Good and Evil Your Choice?

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tree of knowledge_eating from this tree?

Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

It all began in Eden, that garden of happiness, delight, and the abundant life. Yet, free to choose between the two trees our first parents did not consider the consequences. In eating of the tree of knowledge in the hopes of being their own “gods” what was the cost? Did they gain the freedom they’d hoped for or did their pride and betrayal lead to unintended outcomes? God, from the beginning has been looking for loyalty, for his children to freely choose to love Him and the way of life that He knows will bring good fruits. Will we make the choice that will lead to life or will we be too entangled in the roots of relativism, ensnared by those who call good, evil, and evil, good, to even know we have a choice? Do we know the truth that brings liberty, or are we being deceived by the great liar who teaches a gospel of disobedience without consequences?

Lessons from the Two Trees – 1

Lessons from the Two Trees – 2

May 28th, 2016

Christianity’s Exclusive Truth

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does truth matterChristianity’s Exclusive Truth

Are the Anglican archbishop and other church leaders correct in asserting that it is demonstrating unconditional love to refrain from telling people of other religious faiths about the gospel of Jesus Christ, so as to avoid offending their sensibilities? Is this the kind of love God wants from his disciples?
Some in the Christian community are promoting ecumenism among divergent religious traditions, but are there really many paths to God, and Christianity is just one of them? What does the bible say about this approach?
What makes the Christian gospel/message unique in the world of religion? Why does it matter what we believe about God and his Son? When we consider the testimony of the apostles and Christ what was there attitude towards preaching the good news of the gospel to the world?
Are we fulfilling our commission being invested in doing the work of God and following in the footsteps of our spiritual predecessors? Are we prepared to take up the command Christ gave to his disciples and fulfil His will in the world. Let the bible give you the vision of Christianity’s exclusive truth, and the hope that it brings to the world.

What is the Good News that Christ brought to give us hope?
The Gospel Series

Coming Kingdom of God