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December 9th, 2017

Is it Love To Warn and Rebuke?

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a loving warning?Is it Love to Warn and Rebuke?

Jesus prayed to his Father, before he was betrayed. He had protected, guarded, and taught his disciples. He gave them warning and comfort so they would not be deceived or led astray. Through teaching them the truth, (alethea) the reality, Jesus prepared his leaders to fulfill their mission. They were to faithfully teach the commandments, that instruct all believers as to how we are to love God and neighbour. But loving our neighbour is more than not hating or slandering them. God also instructs us to care for them, and if need be, to rebuke them in love. What does this mean? More

December 3rd, 2017

Thankfulness in Tough Times

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thankfulness in tought times smReformation and Reformers

The Protestant Reformation transformed lives and eventually nations. But it also brought conflict and confusion. Yet many reformers set an example of thankfulness in tough times. In search of the “faith once delivered,” some reformers wanted to return to the authentic worship and beliefs of the early first century church. The Separatists among them valued the decalogue, insisted on adult baptism by immersion, and followed the biblical examples of anointing and ordination. They anticipated the return and millennial reign of Christ. Some courageous non-conformists braved the rejection of society and began keeping the Sabbath, in spite of dire consequences. In a time of strong anti-semitic bias and prejudice they endured persecution and even execution, at the hand of those who insisted on religious uniformity. More

December 2nd, 2017

Passionate About Biblical Values?

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passionate about biblical values500 Years after Luther

The Protestant Reformation is 500 years old now, but what has been the effect on Christian “morality?” Has the “faith once delivered” been restored, and have the ancient paths been re-established? God tells us that he acts on behalf of those who trust him and do good. But the reality of our Christian religious world does not seem to reflect the ideals of sola scriptura…living by every word of God.  And many of our religious leaders, like those in the time of Jeremiah, or John, are merely interested in offering soothing platitudes. They deceitfully proclaim, “peace,” when there is no peace. So how can we expect God’s blessing?  More

November 12th, 2017

Remember — Fight Evil and Stand for What is Good

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Standing Against the Tide of Lawlessness

stand for what is goodRemembrance Day brings to mind the lives that were sacrificed in epic battles. Soldiers who embraced their duty engaged in the struggle between good and evil. As Christians the battle we fight is no less intense. As soldiers in God’s army do we stand for what is good, and recognize the consequences of evil. This week the horror of the Sutherland Springs shooting brought to mind the scripture that speaks of our violent age. “Because lawlessness will abound the love of many will turn cold.” This lawlessness, anomia, will have consequences. When evil is allowed to flourish it is only those who stand for what is good who will endure. It is the Lord’s loving loyalty that will make them stand. More

November 11th, 2017

Jealous or Zealous…It’s All about Context!

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Jealous or zealous

Jealousy Has Its Consequences Internationally

The 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, and the family feud over the land of Israel still continues. This document of the League of Nations gave the British a mandate to govern Palestine. It also gave the Jews a right to return to their ancient homeland, thus fulfilling many prophecies. And yet from this moment their Arab “cousins” jealousy has bought terrible conflict, hardship, and heartache. Yet God will still use the jealousy of those who hate Israel to accomplish his purpose. More

November 4th, 2017

Salvation Equation: Did Luther Get It Right?

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Was Luther Right?

Luther Begins a Reformation and Develops His Salvation Equation

Five Hundred Years Ago

In 1517 Martin Luther posted his 95 theses in Wittenberg, decrying some of the abuses within the Catholic church. But it took a few years for him to get to the point of calling the Pope, the “Anti-Christ,” and throwing away the need for the Catholic sacraments. During this time Luther was developing his idea about “justification through faith alone.” He said he based his new understanding on scripture alone, “sola scriptura.” But did he? Luther had concluded that because we were freely justified (made right with God) through grace, that all we needed was faith. This fit neatly with his background as an Augustinian friar, as it built on Augustine’s idea of predestination. So Luther’s salvation equation was Faith + 0 = Salvation. No “works” were needed. But was Luther right? More

October 31st, 2017

Unfinished Reformations: Luther’s Reformation and Jehu’s Reformation

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500th Anniversary of Luther’s Reformation

5ooth anniversary of the ReformationThis year marks the 500th anniversary of the beginning of Martin Luther’s debate with the Catholic Church. His objective was initially to make reforms within that Church. But over several years of accusation and counter-accusation, Luther refined his theology, ultimately, rejecting Papal authority. Facing a death penalty at the “Diet of Worms” trial in 1521, Luther remained staunchly committed to his own understanding of “sola scriptura.” Luther’s reformation began to sow the seeds that produced the Protestant Reformation. But there have been other reformers in the history of the people of God. More