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October 19th, 2024

Feast of Tabernacles 2024 — Who Will Dwell with God?

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The question of ‘Who shall dwell with God?’ is a central message of scriptures and an important theme of the Feast of Tabernacles. Discover the answer to this question through a journey from Psalms to Revelation. God gives us insight into the qualities of his children, those who will live with him. Are we preparing ourselves to dwell with God for eternity in his Kingdom?

October 16th, 2024

Feast of Tabernacles 2024

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Feast of Tabernacles 2024

British Columbia Canada

A Vision for the Saints – Teaching What is Holy
The Feast of Tabernacles looks forward to an age when the saints will take up their role as kingly priests and fulfill their duties in the restoration of all things. They will be involved in transforming the world in accord with God’s vision. What will our the Holy God have us teach the people so they might be able to walk with him and enjoy the millennial age of peace and prosperity?
the messiah and his kingdomThe Messiah and the Kingdom
As the “latter days” prophesied in scripture draw ever closer, we need to consider the relevance of the Feast of Tabernacles. On this first day of the festival we look forward to a new age ushered in by the coming of the Messiah. But what is the nature of our Messiah? Many religions teach the concept of a Messiah, a deliverer. But few understand the nature of the Messiah who is revealed in the Judeo-Christian scriptures.

the law shall go forth Day 2 of the Feast
The Messianic Age — Walking in God’s Ways
When we study the future, as pictured by the Feast of Tabernacles, we come to understand more about God’s ways. The prophets, Isaiah and Micah, both were inspired to write about the coming of the Messianic age. Their messages were very similar, and they both focused on the importance of the law in establishing the millennial reign of the Messiah. So what are those ways of God that he will be teaching all nations?

Day 3 of the Feast
Who Will Dwell With God
The question of ‘Who shall dwell with God?’ is a central message of scriptures and an important theme of the Feast of Tabernacles. Discover the answer to this question through a journey from Psalms to Revelation. God gives us insight into the qualities of his children, those who will live with him. Are we preparing ourselves to dwell with God for eternity in his Kingdom?

Day 4 of the Feast
Are You Awake to God’s Promises?
Are you awake to what God will be doing in the coming year? There are those who espouse ‘Christianity’ who do not believe that God will keep his promises. Or perhaps they think that the prophecies were already completed in some historical past. Do you know what God says and do you trust him to be the same yesterday, today and forever? Jesus warned about the false prophets caught up in their faulty predictions of the future, while also reminding us of the need to be prepared for his return – a return that will surely come. So do we believe that God will yet fulfill the prophecies that he delivered to his people over the centuries – prophecies of a righteous remnant who would be delivered and return to restore and rebuild Zion?

Day 5 of the Feast
Christian Leadership — Imitating Christ
It is easy to quickly read a bible passage and miss the deeper meaning. The apostle Paul said to the Corinthians, “Imitate me as I imitate Christ.” But, there is so much more to the story. Paul’s letters urge Christians to be reflective learners, examining themselves. Asking, “Does my life emulate the life of a true disciple.” God judges not only our behaviour – whether we are following Jesus’ pattern of living – but our motivation. This is because God has called his disciples to be faithful stewards. Imitating Christ, they will observe that pattern of right living given by the Father, in both action and thought. So are we imitating Christ as we should?
Day 6 of the Feast
Covenant Promises — the land and the kingdom
Within the old and renewed covenants God created a relationship with his people that offered amazing promises. We who trust in God’s faithfulness look to him to fulfill all that he has promised to Abraham and all who walk in faith with God as Abraham walked. So what are these covenant promises and how do they find their fulfillment in the lives of God’s people?

Day 7 of the Feast
Do Not Stumble – Run the Endurance Race ” Do not stumble!’ This was the apostle Paul’s exhortation to his readers in order to complete the Christian race. Unlike the competitors of Paul’s day we are not seeking the fleeting glory of a crown that withers. Rather, we are to run our best race with discipline and self-control. Why? So we can seize the prize — a crown that is imperishable. The prize for the overcomer, the one who was victorious, is to inherit eternal life and sit with Christ when he returns. So what could make you stumble, and keep you from conquering?
Day 8 – The Last Great Day
Hope for Humanity
Today is not the only day of salvation! But those God has called, he has called for a purpose. At the right time God will call and save all of humanity. When Christ will return; the Kingdom of God will be setup on Earth, and then we will come to the Eighth Day, the Last Great Day, — Great White Throne Judgement. In light of this knowledge we need to know, What is God’s purpose in this Great Day? And, how do we actively wait and prepare for that time? Jeff recounts his personal story of interrogation, trial, and travels through the Iron Curtain in the land of darkness which was then communist Hungary and Romania. Then he links this to our role now that will impact the future of those who will be resurrected to life when the Last Great Day finds its fulfillment.

October 16th, 2024

Feast 2024 – A Vision for the Saints

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A Vision for the Saints – Teaching What is Holy
The Feast of Tabernacles looks forward to an age when the saints will take up their role as kingly priests and fulfill their duties in the restoration of all things. They will be involved in transforming the world in accord with God’s vision. What will our the Holy God have us teach the people so they might be able to walk with him and enjoy the millennial age of peace and prosperity?

February 10th, 2024

Faithful Marriage in a Faithless Age

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The scriptures, though written millennia ago, offer us solid advice on how to face life’s challenges. Consider the wisdom that Paul offered Titus on the roles of men and women in marriage — advice that has stood the test of time. Or delve into Luke’s story of Jesus and what it means to be ‘submissive’ in our relationships.
Our world has largely forsaken the sound counsel that Paul gave to the Ephesians about husbands and wives willingly assuming and fulfilling their God-ordained roles in the family in accordance with God’s plan. But we can take up this challenge! More

February 3rd, 2024

Stressed — God’s Solution

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When faced with bad news, disastrous events or condition, our fear of the uncertainties of our situation whether personal or societal, can create in us a stress response of anxiety, frustration, anger, or despair.
We may not be able to escape these situations that cause us ‘distress.’ But we have the free will to help us reframe how we view these stressors and focus on godly priorities.
Of course even medical science knows that unmitigated stress can produce hormonal changes that cause mental conditions like depression or physical conditions like high blood pressure. So to live the abundant life God intends for us, we must deal effectively with the stress in our life. More

January 30th, 2024

Who Are You — What is Your Identity

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Our world likes to label people in ways that cause division. Society would define you and assign you your identity according to its values.
But this is not the way God defines us! If we have come into a relationship with God we are no longer viewed according to our gender, our status in society, or our ethnic heritage. Rather we have been given a new identity as children of God. In God’s family we are all ‘one’ and not divided by our physical heritage or characteristics. For God places no value on our wealth, prowess, worldly wisdom or noble status. In fact, God makes it plain that he has chosen those the world rejects and despises. More

January 21st, 2024

Avoiding the Traps of the Self-Righteous

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Our age is not unlike that of Jesus’ time and he warned us to avoid the traps of the self-righteous. The ‘Wokies’ of today, like the Pharisees of Jesus’ day, reject God’s standards in favour of their own redefining of what is right or wrong. They have taken a ‘holier-than-thou’ self-righteous approach that has abandoned the faith and morality of scripture and is intolerant of anyone who does not accept their new orthodoxy.
And yet, the scripture provides examples of Pharisees who took a stand rejecting the majority view and embracing the truth that Jesus’ taught.
How would Jesus react to the Woke leaders of western society? More