COG Webcast


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May 1st, 2011

God our Healer

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God our Healer from cogwebcast on Vimeo.

In the Christian’s journey from Passover to Pentecost there are fundamental lessons about God’s nature and the Christian life that we can rehearse. The journey of the Israelites in the wilderness during this season millennia ago provides us foundational lessons in living. Jeff Patton reminds us that God is our healer. But there is a big “IF” attached to God’s healing promise. God sets conditions and offers opportunities for us to reap the benefits of His teaching. Will we heed God’s advice, instructions in healthy living that the Egyptians did not know, and as a result, suffer “none of these diseases” that the Egyptians experienced?

May 1st, 2011

Who is Your Rock?

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Who is Your Rock from cogwebcast on Vimeo.

In Japan, siesmologists and engineers were astounded by the amount of destruction caused by “liquefaction” in areas where buildings were built on fill or sandy soils. In the gospels Christ reiterates this spiritual message that building on sand leads to destruction. Jeff Patton asks you to consider, “What is the rock that you, as a Christian should build your life on, so you have a sure foundation?” The answer will present some surprises to those who adhere to traditional teaching, rather than sola scriptura.

April 25th, 2011

Tale of Five Passovers

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Tale of Five Passovers from cogwebcast on Vimeo.

spring feast plum blossomChrist, the I Am, and Lord of the Passover, the one who is the same yesterday, today, and forever, requires His people to pay attention to the lessons of this Holyday season and be ready for action. Jeff Patton examines the message of the festival of unleavened bread, and answers the question, “What should a Christian community do in response to divine intervention and deliverance?”

April 24th, 2011

Christ the Wave Sheaf

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Christ the Wave Sheaf from cogwebcast on Vimeo.

christ our wavesheafChrist the Wave Sheaf

If we celebrate Passover and the spring festival season and delve into their roots in scripture we gain a great deal of understanding that most Christians miss concerning Christ, the wave sheaf. Jeff Patton relates this special ceremony to the events surrounding Christ’s resurrection and it’s meaning for all Christian’s who go to the mercy seat of God for help in time of need.

April 20th, 2011

Spirit of Service

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Spirit of Service from cogwebcast on Vimeo.

So what is real success? Christ turned the notions of his day upside-down by declaring that the disciples’ view of “leadership,” patterned after the Roman model, was erroneous. Jeff talks about a Christian perspective on “servants” and the significance of Christ’s example of footwashing to Christians who are observing the Passover season.

April 12th, 2011

Preparing for Passover

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Preparing for Passover from cogwebcast on Vimeo.

The story of scripture is a “good news” “bad news” story. That is why the apostle Paul admonishes us to examine ourselves. This self-reflection is of special importance prior to our renewing of our covenant at Passover and our partaking of the symbols of Christ’s sacrifice that ratifies our covenant with the Father. Jeff Patton takes a closer look at Christ’s role of mediator and our hope that is confirmed through the covenant promises.

April 3rd, 2011

Sabbath and Saviour

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Sabbath and Savior from cogwebcast on Vimeo.

Jesus Christ, the Saviour, began his ministry with reading an important passage of scripture from the scroll of Isaiah on the Sabbath in his hometown of Nazareth. Jeff Patton explains Christ’s message of deliverance and forgiveness and it’s relevance to the meaning of the Sabbath and our observance of God’s day of rest.