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COG Webcast > health
Posts Tagged ‘health’August 13th, 2012
Comments Off on Sleep and Health: Sweet Dreams or Nightmare, Healthy Living, by CGP.Tags: Church of God, cogwebcast, God's gift of sleep, health, Judeo Christianity, sleep aids, sleep and health, sleep debt
Tags: Church of God, cogwebcast, healing a broken heart, health, health advice, healthy living blog, heart and emotions, heart brain connection, heart health, Judeo Christian, Judeo Christianity, mending a broken heart, spiritual foundation, spiritual growth
January 31st, 2012
Comments Off on Pain Prompts Change, Healthy Living, by CGP.Tags: acetaminophen, biblical health principles, biblical insights on health, biblical view on pain, Church of God, cogwebcast, health, judeo christian perspective, living with pain, pain and sin, pain killers, pain relief, pain with a purpose, side effects of pain relievers, solutions to pain
January 15th, 2012
Comments Off on Health Advice – Who Do You Listen To?, Healthy Living, by CGP.Tags: biblical health principles, Church of God, health, health advice, listen to advice, medical advice, multitude of counselers
December 21st, 2011
Comments Off on That it May Be Well With You, Healthy Living, by CGP.Tags: bible and healing, foundation of knowledge, God is the maker, Great Physician, health, well-being
November 13th, 2011
Comments Off on The Origin of Aids, Healthy Living, by CGP.Tags: aids, Church of God, cogwebcast, contaminated substrates, Dr. Jacques Pepin, Edward Hooper, health, HIV virus, Jeff Patton, monkey kidney, vaccination
June 3rd, 2011
Comments Off on Carolanne Patton Biography, Carolanne Patton, by COG Webcast.Tags: ambassador college, biblical principles, bio, biography, education, family resources, God's service, health, herbs, in God's service, interion design, live faithfully, meaningful lives, organic, organic gardener, organic gardening, parental teaching, parenting, post-christian society, promises of God, psycology, sons, teaching, teaching truth, youth