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It is hard to lose loved ones in death, but God does not promise an eternity in the flesh. From the beginning, God gave people the hope of a redeemer, one who could ransom them back from the grave! Through the prophets, God revealed this awesome plan and prophesied of the role of Christ as kinsman redeemer. The disciples on the road to Emmaus were amazed when the whole story was explained to them. Do you know the story? Do you share the hope? Death where is your sting?
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Is this reality?
Many believe in “a la carte” religion in terms of the afterlife, and most religious people think that when they die they go to heaven. But is this true? Is this what the bible teaches? What is the hope of eternal life that God offers to those he recognizes as His children? The inconvenient truth is that many people will believe lies and will not accept the truth that could save them. The apostle Paul explains the truth about the gospel in 1 Corinthians 15. Will you love the truth so you can have hope in God’s promise of resurrection?
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When God draws people to Himself and calls them His own, because of His mercy, what does God expect? How do people become God’s nation? How do they remain God’s people? Are we truly Christian nations, nations that do not lie to God or betray Him? Jeff Patton explains from the scriptures the relationship between God and His nation, His people, and what that means to all Christians.
Historically speaking, there was a time when Britains and Canadians would not have questioned their status as Christian nations. David Cameron had the audacity to say recently that Britains should be, “more confident about our status as a Christian country.” But today atheists, and others among the elite of society are loudly denouncing any connection to Christianity. What makes a nation “Christian” and what do the scriptures have to say about nations that would identify themselves as Christian? Jeff Patton takes a close look at the apostle Paul’s defence before the Roman authorities, Felix and Festus, to help us understand what it means to be a Christian.
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The people of God, the Israelites, walked through the sea on dry ground on the last day of unleavened bread. Our ancestors in the faith were led by Christ, in a pillar of cloud and fire, as they left Egypt and entered the wilderness. The Lord sheltered and protected them in their desert wanderings. But did they follow? And what are some crucial lessons that the experiences of the Israelites teach us in our walk with Christ? Christ leads, but will we follow fully?
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Rahab: a Passover story
God hears the prayers of those who worship Him in truth. So do we know what true worship is? Let’s learn a lesson from the days of Unleavened Bread and the conquest of Jericho that shows us who God will hear and who God will not hear. Rahab and Achan’s stories provide object lessons for our day. The scriptures tell us in clear terms what God expects of those who worship Him, serving God and others. Does God take notice of you and does he hear your prayers?
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The Vatican is presently courting the Pentecostal churches to rejoin the “fold” of the Catholic church. Is this ecumenical model something the Church of God should embrace? As a group or individuals should we relinquish our biblical understanding of Passover, in favour of Easter? Or, do we have strong historic and biblical precedents that tell a cautionary tale, and warn us to avoid those who forsake the scriptural understanding and embrace concepts steeped in church tradition. What were those truths for which the apostle John and his followers were willing to sacrifice their lives? Who has the real authority to determine how and when we worship God? Why Passover not Easter!