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There is a growing sentiment that sin is not so bad. Prostitution, for example, is viewed as just another “business opportunity” by many in western society. But who decides what sin is, and what are the consequences of sin? Does it matter whether we live our life with an understanding of sin and a clear grasp of the effects of sin on our future? The biblical narrative exposes just what is so bad about sin, and why it is important to you.
Comments Off on Paul and Nomos: the Law and the Lawless, Filed in Videos, by CGP.
Was the apostle Paul schizophrenic? Did Paul say the nomos/law was abolished in one book and then affirm that it was upheld and established in another? How can Paul’s use of nomos be understood and how does it fit in the greater context of scripture? You do not need to be confused, when you understand the myriad ways that the words torah and nomos can be used. In “Paul and Nomos” Jeff Patton clarifies Paul’s teaching concerning the law, our attitude as believers towards God’s law, and God’s attitude towards the lawless.
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Did Christ break the Sabbath, and commit “anomia,” lawlessness? The Catholic church father, Augustine, thought Christ abolished the observance of Sabbath, and most traditional Christians have bought his reasoning. But is this the truth? What was the Colossians heresy that Paul was warning the gentile brethren to avoid? What were the elemental forces of the world, and secular philosophies that Paul was combatting?
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Right before our eyes the common person’s hope for the “good life” is unraveling, like a loosely woven tapestry being steadily picked apart thread by tread. Life, as we know it, is getting progressively more difficult and more insecure for billions of people in this world due the dramatic rise of economic inequality…
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When the apostle Paul wrote to the Thessalonians that “the mystery of lawlessness was already at work,” he was confirming that the things Jesus had prophesied were already coming to pass within decades after Christ’s death. Later, John’s writings confirm that John also had to confront the false teachers who were preaching a gospel of “anomia/lawlessness” and leading many away from the truth. And what of our time? What is the reality in most of the Christian world, when it comes to teaching about God’s law; must we be aware and wary of the anti-nomians, those who teach, “anomia?”
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Jeff Patton talks about “eucharistia,” that essential attribute of thankfulness for God’s graciousness that is a vital part of true worship. So do we know what God has done for us and will do in the future? Do we appreciate all of His gifts, and have we expressed our thanks to Him? Remember the saying,”Feeling gratitude and not expressing is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” In our lives are we like the one leper who was healed and turned back to give God thanks, or are we like the 9 who took God’s blessings for granted? How do we express our gratitude to God daily for all that He provides?
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The prophets Obadiah and Ezekiel make clear statements that God holds nations and individuals responsible for their actions. God looks for those who will “stand in the gap” and make a difference, those who will be the “salt” of the earth and a light in the world. On Monday, June 30, 2014, Leo Melamed, 82, a Jewish lawyer and the head of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, made a journey back to Japan to honor Chiune Sugihara, who over a period of roughly a month issued visas that allowed 6,000 Jews to escape war-torn Lithuania and the advancing Nazis. Can one person make a difference, like Dorcas in the book of Acts? Is there the power of one? God says godly love is expressed in the service of individuals who put loyalty to God first, and are willing to lay down their lives for others. More