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New Year for the Israel of God
What does the new year, beginning on the first of Nisan/Aviv, teach us about our past, our present, and our hope for the future?
In the time of Moses, God made a change in the calendar and he revealed new information about His Holy Times. Moses relayed these instructions to the children of Israel in the book of Exodus, and he encouraged the people to observe these days as memorials forever.
How do God’s instructions to the nation of Israel impact the Christian, the Israel of God? What is the significance of the new year for the Israel of God?
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Prophecy is clear!
The Saints Will Rule the Kingdom
Christ will return and rule as KING of kings, but he will not rule alone, the saints will rule the Kingdom with Christ . But who are the saints who will become those kings who will rule with Christ? How do they gain their power? How will they rule? This mystery is an important part of God’s plan for the restoration of the Kingdom of God on earth. So what does the bible reveal about the time when the saints will rule the kingdom?
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Saints of the Kingdom of God
Do you know a “Saint?” Are you a “Saint?” There are many misconceptions about saints, among the religious! But the scripture gives us all we need to know to become a saint, set apart by God and different from the world. Learn from the life of Paul, Dorcas, and the disciples the reality of living as the saints of the Kingdom of God.
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The Kingdom of God will Grow
Jesus spoke of the farmer planting the seeds and the mystery of the seeds growing “spontaneously,” as an analogy of the Kingdom of God. What did he mean, and what are the implications for those disciples called to sow the seed? Daniel, Isaiah, and David all add to our understanding of how the Kingdom of God will grow, as both a physical and spiritual reality. Let the scriptures reveal the answers to this great marvel.
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Worthy King for the Kingdom of God
The Kingdom of God will surpass all other kingdoms in glory because of the King of kings who will rule. Who is that King and what makes him qualified to rule forever? What experience, character, and quality will the worthy king bring to his kingdom. When will He begin to rule? Let the scriptures provide the answers.
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The King’s Message about His Kingdom
Almost two thousand years ago Christ came and brought a message about the king and his kingdom. He instructed his disciples, all who are called of the Father, that we should pray that his Kingdom should come soon. But it is not here yet. So, what is the secret of the Kingdom that Christ revealed to his disciples, but not to the world? What is the nature of the realm of the King’s sovereign rule? What is the job the King wants us to do?
View more videos and articles to learn about God and his teachings from the ‘sola scriptura’ perspective.
It is God’s spirit that leads us into all truth as we read his word.
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The Beginning of the Gospel of the Kingdom
There is a great continuity in the message of scripture. Long before Christ appeared the hope of the Kingdom was prophesied by David. Malachi wrote of the messenger who would prepare the “way for the Lord.” Later Mark recorded the “beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ” proclaiming the message of the gospel of the Kingdom of God, by word and by action. Are we imitating Christ’s example and so fully following the message of the gospel of the Kingdom as faithful disciples? Learn a lesson from Jesus parable of the trees.