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November 20th, 2016

Personal Responsibility – God’s Perspective

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personal responsibility

Personal Responsibility – God’s Perspective

Dealing with Addictions

With the rising use of fentanyl, the issue of addiction and drug related death has made news headlines. And yet, there is a lot of controversy over the “harm reduction” strategies, and “safe-injection sites” that are touted as solutions to the problem. These methods lack a serious look at the issue of personal responsibility in solving problems of addiction. For the scoffers who are caught up in their destructive lifestyles, and for the “addict enablers” who out of compassion or duty continue to support people in their addictions, counsel from God’s word might fall on deaf ears. However, biblical instruction when given to a wise person will have the effect of helping them assume their personal responsibility in order to effect change – and live productive lives. So what does God have to say about this crisis? More

November 19th, 2016

Day of Decision: God’s Decrees will Prevail

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day-of-decisionDay of Decision

A recent decision in the BC Supreme Court underscored the clash between the BC Law Society and Trinity Western University, over their “community covenant” that forbids sexual relationships outside of heterosexual marriage. The courts decision has ruled in favour of the university and freedom of religion saying, “A society that does not admit and accommodate differences cannot be a free and democratic society: One in which its citizens are free to think, to disagree, to debate and to challenge the accepted view without fear of reprisal.” So, for the moment, their is a sigh of relief for those in Canada who value their liberty rights to freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and freedom of association. But what does the future hold? More

November 13th, 2016

The Creator and the Creation: Genesis 1:1

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the Creator and the Creation

The Creator and the Creation

Can Christian ministers have any credibility if they deny the existence of the Creator and the creation? In Canada recently, the news has been highlighting a controversy in the United Church of Canada (UCC) over a ministerial review of Gretta Vosper, an ordained minister in their employ, who is an avowed atheist. She, and those who support her, deny the inspiration of scripture. They deny the Creator and the creation. So what is the reality and what is the delusion? More

November 13th, 2016

Coming Before the King of Kings: What does He Expect?

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Royal Throne in the House of Lord's Chamber - Houses of Parliament, Westminster Palace, London England

Royal Throne in the House of Lord’s Chamber – Houses of Parliament, Westminster Palace, London England

Coming Before the King

Coming before the king was often a difficult task that required great determination and patience, as it was only the few who could gain an audience with the king in order to make requests, or have grievances settled. As a tour of Hampton Court made clear, it was unlikely that any commoner would have the honour of coming before the king. Can we have access to the king? More

October 31st, 2016

Christians Remember the Day of Atonement. Why?

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Christians remember the day of atonementChristians Remember the Day of Atonement. Why?


Considering the role that the saints will play at Christ’s return, it becomes plain that Christians remember the day of Atonement to be better prepared to rule with Christ as kingly priests. So what lessons does the day of Atonement teach? What are the functions of priests that those God calls today need to be prepared to undertake? The example of Aaron’s sons, Nadab and Abihu, make it plain that those who serve God must be knowledgeable and show appropriate respect. God has standards and expectations that we must be aware of, and there are consequences for disregarding God’s instructions when it comes to worshipping in spirit and truth. More

October 19th, 2016

FEAST of TABERNACLES 2016 Coming Kingdom of God

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Prophecy of the Future: Truth and Error

law of Moses for ChristiansThe picture painted by Isaiah, and Micah of the millennial reign of the King of Kings, is one that should give every Christian hope for the future. Yet within their prophecies they also include a message that has caused many Christians to stumble, and reject the plain teaching of scripture. Do you know what has been the source of confusion over the millennia since these biblical books were penned? Do you know why these things were allegorized and their plain meaning obscured? Let the Word of God reveal the answer to these all important questions. Make sure you know the answer so you can hold firm to the word of truth, and be encouraged by God’s amazing promises.


Coming Kingdom of God

coming kingdom of God

Daniel reveals the mystery of the coming Kingdom of God. So what did he see and what did he reveal to the king of Babylon? What was the meaning of Nebuchadnezzar’s awesome vision? What kingdoms did the statue represent, and how would they come to an end? What Kingdom would replace all the previous kingdoms and fill the whole world? Who was the Son of Man? The scriptures reveal answers to this mysterious prophecy of the future.


Beginning of the Gospel

useful kindnessThere is a great continuity in the message of scripture. Long before Christ appeared the hope of the Kingdom was prophesied by David. Malachi wrote of the messenger who would prepare the “way for the Lord.” Later Mark recorded the “beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ” proclaiming the message of the gospel of the Kingdom of God, by word and by action. Are we imitating Christ’s example and so fully following the message of the gospel of the Kingdom as faithful disciples? Learn a lesson from Jesus parable of the trees.



The King’s Message about His Kingdom
king and his kingdomAlmost two thousand years ago Christ came and brought a message about the King and his kingdom. He instructed his disciples, all who are called of the Father, that we should pray that his Kingdom should come soon. But it is not here yet. So, what is the secret of the Kingdom that Christ revealed to his disciples, but not to the world? What is the nature of the realm of the King’s sovereign rule? What is the job the King wants us to do?




The Kingdom will Grow

kingdom will grow2Jesus spoke of the farmer planting the seeds and the mystery of the seeds growing “spontaneously,” as an analogy of the Kingdom of God. What did he mean, and what are the implications for those disciples called to sow the seed? Daniel, Isaiah, and David all add to our understanding of how the Kingdom of God will grow, as both a physical and spiritual reality. Let the scriptures reveal the answers to this great marvel.




Saints of the Kingdom

saints-of-the-kingdomDo you know a “Saint?” Are you a “Saint?” There are many misconceptions about saints, among the religious! But the scripture gives us all we need to know to become a saint, set apart by God and different from the world. Learn from the life of Paul, Dorcas, and the disciples, the reality of living as the saints of the Kingdom of God.




The Saints will Rule

saints will ruleChrist will return and rule as KING of kings, but he will not rule alone, the saints will rule the Kingdom with Christ . But who are the saints who will become those kings who will rule with Christ? How do they gain their power? How will they rule? This mystery is an important part of God’s plan for the restoration of the Kingdom of God on earth. So what does the bible reveal about the time when the saints will rule the kingdom?



Can These Bones Live?

Hope of the resurrection!

Hope of the resurrection!

Can these bones live. The short answer is, “Yes!” but there is much more to the story. God says that, “all will be saved” but is that happening now? When will God work to save all of humanity? God’s plan of salvation for all is revealed through the Holy Days that God created as memorials and as prefigurative events envisioning what is to come in the future. The future is full of hope for those who put their trust in the God of scripture.

October 19th, 2016

Feast of Tabernacles Prophecy of the Future: Truth and Error

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feast-of-tabernacles-2016-smFeast of Tabernacles 2016

Prophecy of the Future: Truth and Error

The bible portrays a vision of the future that some Christians are unaware of, and others reject due to their preconceptions. But what does the scripture say about the millennial world, the world after the return of Jesus Christ. And why does it matter??
The Feast of Tabernacles, the fall festival of scripture, looks forward to a time of unprecedented peace and prosperity ushered in after climactic events at the end of the present age. And yet, many Christians have been deceived into thinking many of the prophecies relating to this future time are mere allegory, and will not have a literal fulfillment. What is the systematized error that has deluded many, and how has it twisted the Word of God.
It is important for all Christians to be reflective about the scriptures and the way of life that Christ, the Word of God, taught because it is only through Him that we can have eternal life. Yet he made some bold statements about those who deceive others with their false teaching. It is only through a love of the truth that we can avoid these errors and remain steadfast and faithful to the teaching of the bible.
The picture painted by Isaiah, and Micah of the millennial reign of the King of Kings, is one that should give every Christian hope for the future. Yet within their prophecies they also include a message that has caused many Christians to stumble, and reject the plain teaching of scripture. Do you know what has been the source of confusion over the millennia since these biblical books were penned? Do you know why these things were allegorized and their plain meaning obscured? Let the Word of God reveal the answer to these all important questions. Make sure you know the answer so you can hold firm to the word of truth, and be encouraged by God’s amazing promises.

Coming Kingdom of God