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March 25th, 2017

A Biblical Worldview: Purim and Esther

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Estehr and Purim biblical worldview

Esther and Purim

Power of a Biblical Worldview

The scriptures, the source of the biblical worldview, claim to be “God-breathed.” They offer God’s revelation of the reality of the world and our role in His plan. In teaching believers “how to live right” the scriptures challenge us to fulfill two overarching commands. “Live by every word of God” and “Bring every thought into captivity.” This must be done in order to do our part in fulfilling Christ’s will and accomplishing His purpose. But, this cannot be done, except that we have faith as a sure foundation — and this faith is strengthened as we read the stories of our ancestors in the faith.

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March 11th, 2017

A Biblical Worldview: Why Christians Fail

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A Biblical Worldview: Why Christians Fail?

biblical worldviewA recent Barna survey concluded that, of the American public polled, only 4% had a biblical worldview. And evangelical Christians didn’t do much better, at only 9% . So what were the criteria that the pollsters used as being indicative of the biblical worldview?
There are absolute moral truths

    • The Bible is true and accurate
    • Christ was sinless
    • God, the Creator, rules today
    • Salvation is a gift
    • Christians should share their faith
    • Satan is real

So how is it that some call themselves Christians, and yet do not have a “biblical worldview?” And does it really matter? More

March 11th, 2017

Strangers and Foreigners: Who is my Neighbour?

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God’s Immigration Policy:

strangers and foreigners: love your neighbour

(Photo by Pierre Crom/Getty Images)

Strangers and Foreigners

Nations face many dilemmas as they try to establish policies dealing with an influx of immigrants. God had provided wise guidelines for his nation to follow. To deal judiciously with resident aliens, God taught that there was to be “one law” for all. Multiculturalism was not a part of the national covenant with God. There was one God and only one way to worship God. God’s love for all people meant that he wanted them to come to know him — the Creator of all people. The nation was to be a safe haven for all who wanted to find their refuge in God. More

March 11th, 2017

Strangers and Foreigners: What God Says about Immigration

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The news is full of stories about the thorny question of immigration. Here in North America, in Europe and many other nations, political leaders are wrestling with this issue. Due to conflict, oppression, or economic deprivation in other nations, many people are fleeing. They are seeking safe havens for themselves and their families. So what should a nation consider in establishing a fair, compassionate, and wise immigration policy — one that serves the country’s citizens and the potential refugees or immigrants. There are those who advocate opening the floodgates. Others want to put up barriers to limit or control access. So what was God’s advice? Are we willing to listen to what God says about immigration? More

March 4th, 2017

Trolls with Casual Truthiness or Ambassador for God?

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Ambassador for God? or Trolls with Truthiness.

trolls or ambassadors purpleYou know the social media trap…as Jack Knox, a local satirist described it. It’s a place where people make false assertions dogmatically with little or no evidence, where many self-righteous engage in a toxic “snarl-fest,” and reputations are smeared with a “casual truthiness.” It is this ignorant and useless talk that hampers a democratic society. Preston Manning, former PC leader opined that it is this kind of negativity that keeps qualified people from seeking elected office. We have witnessed an explosion of vitriolic, ignorant, and false assertions in the wake of the US elections, and it has had  a very chilling effect on decent dialogue.

When Truthiness Reigns

Truthiness, is an attempt to pass off error as if it were fact. Paul in writing to Timothy, paints a disturbing portrait of his contemporaries: More

March 4th, 2017

Parental Gift that Keeps on Giving

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The Parental Gift that Keeps on Giving

fathers giftOur world is not so different from that of our ancestors in the faith who lived in the first century CE. Believers then, as now, bemoaned the society’s acceptance of addiction, instant gratification, and self-indulgence, and many other temptations common to the Greco-Roman world. So what was a parent to do, in helping a child to avoid the seductions of society? What parental gift would arm a young person to fight the spiritual battles? How can children today be prepared to face the evils in a world that does not know or value God’s teaching?

No Effortless Success

The story of the children of Israel in the wilderness revealed that the challenge of internal enemies was greater than that of external enemies. Paul used the example of the children of Israel to focus on the need for the gift of “self-control,” so we do not fail as some of them failed. Today, leadership training talks about the “competencies” needed for success. And often, “self-management” is at the top of the list. Are parents preparing their children for the hard work involved in achieving success? More

February 22nd, 2017

Is Now a Time to Repent? A Nation at the Crossroads

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Is Now a Time to Repent?

time to repent

Following Jezebel

Jezebel was the embodiment of one who “wandered off course, forsaking God, and engaging in sexual debauchery and spiritual idolatry. Yet even Jezebel was given time to repent, time to acknowledge her guilt, and forsake her evil ways. More