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Words Have Consequences
“Be careful with your words,” is good advice to many who have found themselves in the midst of a war of words.There can be grave consequences to the careers of media personalities who misspeak in a very public way. And the average social media user can find themselves lambasted or ostracized for their words. But how important is what we say, when it comes to God’s point of view? Jesus, when confronted by the leaders of his day, had this to say, “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” What did he mean? More
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Our Response to Persecution
Western media seems to be ignoring the plight of Christians. Very little response to persecution is being documented. Yet, in 2016, thousands were killed for their beliefs. In the first century, Jesus’ message was an affront to those in positions of power. He was a stumblingblock to both Jew and Gentile, and he was persecuted and eventually killed. He anticipated that his followers would also suffer persecution, just as he did. So he gave them the encouragement that there was a great reward when one is persecuted for doing what is right. We must consider that God intervened to save Daniel, so he is also able to deliver us. But while we wait for God’s deliverance, how does God want us to react to our enemies? More
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Law of Moses and the “Mega” command
The lawyers of Jesus’ day, experts in the law, wanted to subvert Jesus and his teaching. They asked him what was the “greatest commandment,” the “mega” command in the law of Moses. They came from a perspective of living a life, where one balanced good deeds against bad. They divided the laws into heavy and light ones, giving more weight to some and not the others. Jesus castigated them for “majoring in the minors.” Like many of today’s religious and political elites they were guilty of “straining at the gnat and swallowing the camel.” They missed the essence of the law — the greatest commandment. What is it? More
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Pentecost Law & Spirit
Many Pentecost Stories
Have you ever noticed this in Luke’s account? In rehearsing the events surrounding Christ’s resurrection, the women came on the first day of the weeks. Have you wondered why the original Greek was plural, week(s). Yet many mistranslations abound, so they miss the significance of this statement. If they knew the law of Moses, they would have realized this was a reference to the beginning of the 50 day count to Pentecost. Looking back into God’s instructions in the law concerning the Feast of Weeks, the Feast of Firstfruits, we find another curious yet meaningful side-note. In the midst of the section about the holy day, there is a specific and seemingly unrelated command. It addressed the needs of the poor and the stranger, the foreigner. And it tied together the story of Ruth with Pentecost the law and the spirit. More
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Law of Moses — Noah
The Law May Be More Than You Realize
The Law of Moses, the torah, includes the first five books of the scriptures penned by Moses according to the Lord God’s instructions. David described different aspects of the law: instructions, statutes, commands, testimonies, judgments. And, he concluded that they were, “…reliable, and altogether righteous…” But, people will argue with David’s assertions and will debate endlessly as to the value of the law. Unfortunately, it is only the open-minded who will become wise through the understanding and application of these teachings. But, there is another aspect to the law/teaching that is often overlooked. More
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Law of Moses — the Weightier Matters
The Freedom from Slavery
To call ourselves “Christians,” followers of Christ, is to acknowledge that he is the “Master.” His thoughts, attitudes, and actions are ones we want to emulate. When you understand who Jesus was before his life as a human, you can easily see why the law of Moses played a vital role in Jesus’ teaching. Just as he saved Israel from Egyptian slavery, so we too have been saved. Saved to live in obedience to him. So, what was the value of the law of Moses from Jesus’ point of view? More
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Law of Moses — Living Holy Lives
Christians are called to a holy calling to lead lives worthy of our master, Jesus, the Messiah. We have been given the gracious gift of forgiveness, so we may become a holy people. God extends his grace, “charis,” his favour and blessings, to his people. But then what?
Many people in thinking correctly that we do not earn salvation by keeping the law, then make the false assumption that the law is no longer necessary, or valid. Nothing could be further from the truth of scripture! More