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December 23rd, 2019

The Good Shepherd & the Question of Authority

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good shepherdJesus’ Parable of the Good Shepherd

Jesus related the parable of the Good Shepherd as a warning and an assurance. The Good Shepherd would keep his sheep along with others in the sheepfold to protect them from predators – bears, wolves, and lions. Yet, there was also the danger of thieves and robbers who might try to climb the walls to snag the sheep. Paul wrote a similar warning to the brethren. They had been given the words of Christ, the Good Shepherd, to ground them in the faith and keep them secure. However, Paul knew deceivers would come who would try to trick them with clever and persuasive words. These conmen would attempt to lure people away from the safety they had with the Good Shepherd. So what would make some susceptible to the dangers of clever reasoning and deceptive philosophy? More

December 21st, 2019

Who Is Your Spiritual Rock?

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lord my rockWho is Your Spiritual Rock?

Building on bedrock is an important principle when it comes to constructing physical buildings. And if the people of Japan had been wise they could have predicted the results of building on sand dredged up from Tokyo harbour. Living along the ring of fire there should have been no surprise when an earthquake struck, liquifying the sand.  They should have known the consequences of failing to build on a solid foundation would be catastrophic. But what about our spiritual lives? Who is your spiritual rock and are you building on a solid foundation? More

December 14th, 2019

Are You ‘Winging It’ Spiritually?

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 winging it spirituallyIs it Wise to be Winging it Spiritually?

Are you loving the Lord, loving scripture, but still ‘winging it spiritually!’ Winging it is all about improvisation, as opposed to planning and preparation. It is playing your role without knowing the text. This might be something that a professional actor might have to do when forced to take on a role they have not practiced. However, in our lives as Christians we are more than actors in a theatrical production, so should we be ‘winging it?’ Is this good or bad theology? And is this the way we should relate to God and his teaching? More

December 8th, 2019

True Doctrine: Who Interprets Scripture Perfectly?

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true doctrine Jesus' authorityIn the midst of modern culture wars the question of right and wrong looms large. In the church this becomes a question of ‘What is true doctrine’ and by whose authority is it established. In the early church the division over doctrine eventually created a great rift within the first century community. It drew a dividing line that led to the creation of distinct religious traditions – Judaism and Christianity. By the early fourth century the messages of the gospel writers had been disseminated to many regions. There was no doubt as to their authenticity, but major disputes over their interpretation But today, many have come to doubt whether the Greek scriptures are authoritative. What about you? More

December 4th, 2019

Spiritual Deep Fakes — Are You Being Deceived?

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false teaching deep fakesDo Not Be Deceived!

Jesus warned his disciples about deceivers promoting their fake gospels. Are you being deceived? Don’t be too quick to answer, as Christ said many would come and deceive many. Are you one of the many? Christ’s warning was that we should be ‘on guard’ so that we would not be misled. For the ‘many’ would wander off, and go astray, roaming away from the truth. Jesus wanted his followers to know the truth and live by God’s word of truth. But he also knew the power of the scammers of his day. So he gave a warning. More

November 23rd, 2019

Will God Intervene? Can We Trust in God’s Timetable?

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will God intervene?Will God intervene in World Affairs

Recently a leading Iranian official claimed, “Iran destroying Israel is now an achievable goal.” Their oft-stated objective is to ‘wipe Israel off the map.’ But will they succeed, or will God intervene? …and sometimes in mysterious ways. We can be assured that there will come a time that as Isaiah prophesied, “The Lord will fight (once again) as he did at Mount Perazim and in the valley of Gibeon.” Do you know what happened there? More

November 16th, 2019

Pursuing Reality — or Embracing Illusion

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Reality or Illusion – There are Consequences

In a world where the biological fact of male and female is being challenged and transgenderism embraced, are we pursuing reality or embracing illusion? Some in the world of medical science claim that sex is binary. Why? Because there are over 6,000 genetic differences between the sexes that are embedded in every cell. And hormone therapy cannot change this reality. However, there are others who deride such statements of fact as ‘hate speech,’ for they would prefer the illusion of gender choice. The Christian narrative embraces ‘natural law’ the reality embedded in the natural world. This  law, this physical reality, was the work of the Creator who made all things. Yet, in Jesus day he also dealt with societal leaders who were willing to deny reality to achieve their own ends. More