COG Webcast

March 14th, 2025

Walk a Straight Path in a Crooked World

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Mark out a straight path for your feet.

Then those who follow you,

though they are weak and lame,

will not stumble and fall but will become strong


Chapter 1

The Real Nature of Things

something beyond meaninglessness

Mum did not live to see the dawn of this new millennium, but her example remains,
inspiring those of us who knew her. Mum bequeathed to us a tantalizing sense of something
beyond this
present society’s worldview–
this orthodoxy of meaninglessness and its consuming pursuit of materialism.
So we begin our walk through a new era with an inherited sense of anticipation and a transcendent hope.
We, Isaac and Rebecca, would like to share this lively optimism, this sustaining encouragement....

Walk A Straight Path Chapter 1 

Chapter 2

The Day of the Gypsy

 — ideas have consequences

One day after classes, my friends and I were at our favorite cafe drinking the local white wine
flavored with a liqueur of black currents and carrying on as college students do, when a Gypsycame over to our table, sat down beside me and poured himself a glass from our carafe. He looked me in the
eye and asked in French, “Are you happy?”
Immediately I was lost in my inner self, considering a thousand thoughts and weighing my emotional bag of feelings. I don’t know how long I zoned out, away from the table, the café, the world, as my thoughts
raced around my interior universe. But the next thing I knew, the Gypsy put his hand on my arm, saying, “You are too complicated.” He finished his drink, got up and left.
It was true….

Walk A Straight Path Chapter 2 


Chapter 3

Pursuing Happiness?

—  discover Hope!

Have you formed an opinion about what it takes to be happy?
According to the poet Ogden Nash the root of happiness springs from an absence of nagging guilty feelings. Nash observed that there were only a limited number of ways that we can comfortably recline
on our favorite mental easy chair: “There is only one way to achieve happiness on this terrestrial ball. And that is to have either a clear conscience; or none at all.”
From that perspective one could opt to follow an Adolf Hitler or a Mother Teresa and still achieve an acceptable amount of happiness.
Is that right?…

Walk A Straight Path Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Falling Prey to Demons?

violence begins in the mind

Would you consider a dramatic presentation of the Anne Frank story to be funny?
One Friday afternoon my oldest son came home after a hard day at the local
public school visibly upset.
“What’s the matter?” I asked.
He hemmed and hawed for a moment and then quietly said, “We
were watching a video about Anne Frank [the young Jewish-Dutch girl
who tried to hide from the Nazis during the Second World War]. And during a scene
that showed the Nazis machine-gunning a group of prisoners lined up against a wall,
a bunch of the kids in class started laughing!”
I was shocked, but decided to probe for the facts before jumping to

Walk A Straight Path Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Kick that Black Dog!

overcoming depression

Muzzling the black dog’s bite?
Yes it can be done. We want to encourage those who may feel trapped, worthless, or alone and without relief in sight.
You, too, can climb out of your pit of misery with the proper mental tools and a lifeline – if you’ll only reach out and grab them.
A few decades ago I, Rebecca, fell into the black hole of depression and stayed there for a number of years. Eventually I found my way out and emerged to see the light once more.
But then, recently, that black dog returned again to hound me back into the pit, though I thought I had seen the last of him….

Walk A Straight Path Chapter 5

Chapter 6

A Good Marriage

your loving oasis

The cynics about marriage have long abounded. One of these wags once quipped:
“The best part of married life is the fights. The rest is merely so-so.”
In the past one could laugh at such a comment and then quickly dismiss it as coming from
a well-established but insignificant minority of conjugal misfits.
Such cantankerous misanthropes had no business getting married in the first place.
But, as we begin a new millennium, Rebecca and I have the sneaking suspicion that the marital cynics have prospered all too well during the latter half of the twentieth century.

Walk A Straight Path chapter 6

Chapter 7

Tame That Cheatin’ Heart!

infidelity or intimacy

It took me more than a few minutes of poking around my Dad’s messy garage before I, Isaac,
found what I was looking for. The objects of my search were three, small, unwelcome suitcases.
They were scruffed up, cheap bags no doubt bought for a couple of bucks at some secondhand store. Upon their arrival at Dad’s place in Twin Falls, they were given a quick cursory examination and then
were banished to the garage’s ever-growing junk collection to await their eventual disposition, or more likely, their complete oblivion…

Walk A Straight Path Chapter 7 

January 14th, 2024

Are You Walking with God?

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The bible teaches an amazing truth that the Creator, The Word, became a man and in so doing has made it possible for his followers to have a hope of eternal life with him.
Yet there are many in the world of religion that deny this basic teaching of scripture and instead , like the Pharisees of Jesus day, they have set up their own religious standards.
God on the other had has told us that he is looking for justice, loving kindness, and humility in walking with him. So what does it mean to “walk with God?” How do we walk with anyone?
The basics should be obvious. We must agree to walk to together, we must have the same destination in mind, and we must walk at the same pace being considerate of each other.
But beyond these rudimentary principles God gives us what he expects of those who walk with him. More

January 10th, 2024

Are You Awake to God’s Promises?

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Are you awake to what God will be doing in the coming year? There are those who espouse ‘Christianity’ who do not believe that God will keep his promises. Or perhaps they think that the prophecies were already completed in some historical past. Do you know what God says and do you trust him to be the same yesterday, today and forever?
In a time of asymmetrical warfare our Western Democracies are under great strain. We need to ask ourselves whether our current dilemmas are the result of having forgotten God’s ways so that instead of walking fearlessly on his straight path we are stumbling in the darkness. Jesus warned about the false prophets caught up in their faulty predictions of the future, while also reminding us of the need to be prepared for his return – a return that will surely come.
So do we believe that God will yet fulfill the prophecies that he delivered to his people over the centuries – More

January 28th, 2018

The Authentic Gospel & the Messiah

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The Authentic Gospel & the Messiah

The Messiah oratorio penned by Handel is a masterpiece of biblical teaching.

With powerful emotion and haunting melodies it preaches the authentic gospel message.  The lyricist, Charles Jennens was a non-conformist Christian whose lyrics were designed to preach the ‘authentic gospel.’ It could perhaps be considered now as a “guerilla’ tactic to preach the truth. Carefully Jennens crafted a masterpiece about Jesus, the Messiah, as sung through the voices of many biblical writers. He was not ashamed about the authentic gospel. Rather, Jennens used his talents and the theatre venue to preach the message of hope in the Messiah, and to praise His name.

Do you know that message? Are you living in that hope? Learn more about God’s message of hope to humanity in this series of sermons.

primitive ChristianityThe Authentic Gospel & The Messiah

The biblical writers, Jude, Paul, and John, encouraged believers to “fight for the faith once delivered.”  They urged their readers to recapture the authentic gospel — what was understood from the beginning. Do you know that gospel? …In this festive winter season it would seem that many have never known ‘primitive’ Christianity. Or, they have forgotten the authentic gospel message.


Authentic gospel 2

The Authentic Gospel — Comfort My People

Handel’s  ‘Messiah’ was mysterious to the public who knew little of the bible. So in beginning his work with the message of, “Comfort my people — says your God,” Jennens desire was to speak to the heart of his audience. He wove the scriptures together to appeal to people’s emotions and longings – to comfort the weary with God’s words. And that message still resonates today… More

March 10th, 2025

The Biblical Worldview — Purim and Esther

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Haman and Mordecai a story of role reversalGod Does the Improbable
Most people live their daily lives with no consideration for what God has done or continues to do. So it would surprise them to know how God works — how God does the improbable. But, those who have faith, who trust in God, believe that God will give them victory over death. Is there anything more ‘improbable’ than that? Our spiritual ancestors understood God’s power to reward those who seek him. So, they didn’t just believe he exists. They believed in his power to intervene and do the improbable in their lives. Do you?


Queen Esther — Coincidence or Divine Intervention

Israeli PM Netanyahu gave President Obama a copy of the book of Esther. What was the significance of this gesture? Jeff Patton delves into the history of Queen Esther and Haman the main characters in the book and the spiritual messages we can garner from this scriptural text.



Esther and Purim

Estehr and Purim biblical worldviewThe scriptures, the source of the biblical worldview, claim to be “God-breathed.” They offer God’s revelation of the reality of the world and our role in His plan. In teaching believers “how to live right” the scriptures challenge us to fulfill two overarching commands. “Live by every word of God” and “Bring every thought into captivity.” This must be done in order to do our part in fulfilling Christ’s will and accomplishing His purpose. But, this cannot be done, except that we have faith as a sure foundation — and this faith is strengthened as we read the stories of our ancestors in the faith.

Remember Amalek

remember AmalekMoses in writing to the Israelites before entering their promised land, gave them an admonition, “Remember Amalek.” This brings to mind the question of who was Amalek?  Why were they to be remembered? And how does this relate to the story of Esther? To understand Amalek we must go to the book of beginnings, for Amalek was a descendant of Esau. It was the relationship between Jacob and Esau revealed in Genesis that gives us the clues to understand God’s command.

March 7th, 2025

Judeo Christian — A Question of Conscience

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Jesus when prophesying about the end of the age — the end of civilization as we know it — warned those who would live then to be aware so they would not be caught up in the delusions of their time.
It would be a time of great deception of people deceiving and being deceived. So what advice did Jesus and his disciples offer for those living in such times? It is a matter of knowing the truth, the moral and ethical imperatives implicit in the biblical narrative — the Judeo Christian worldview. We must then ask ourselves do we understand this message from God revealed in his word and are we living in harmony with it with a clear conscience? This will make all the difference in navigating successfully in our present time of confusing and shifting moral values.

December 21st, 2024

Lessons from History – Chanukah: Feast of Dedication

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Understanding the history of the people of God through the ages gives us perspective and helps us to discern the signs of the times. God wants us to remember the lessons of history and consider the lives of those individuals who remained faithful to God in perilous times.
History and prophecy inform us of God’s plan and give us vision so we can make those daily choices that will produce good fruit in our lives. Let us consider the history behind the Feast of Dedication that was celebrated by God’s people during the time of Jesus Christ’s ministry.
View the video series:


December 15th, 2024

Traditional Christian Holidays — Spirit and Truth

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Winter Holidays

It is a common belief in our era that the traditions we have inherited, and the days we celebrate have their roots in the biblical account. As a result, with the increasing commercialization there are those who are always fighting to “put Christ back into Christmas.” But was he ever there in the first place? Let’s look at the record of scripture and history to understand the traditional Christian holidays. Then we can know what God wants us to do to worship Him in spirit and truth.
Learn more about these seasonal celebrations from a sola scriptura perspective.
Read more here:

October 19th, 2024

Feast of Tabernacles 2024 — Who Will Dwell with God?

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The question of ‘Who shall dwell with God?’ is a central message of scriptures and an important theme of the Feast of Tabernacles. Discover the answer to this question through a journey from Psalms to Revelation. God gives us insight into the qualities of his children, those who will live with him. Are we preparing ourselves to dwell with God for eternity in his Kingdom?