COG Webcast

March 6th, 2021

Cult of the Woke Or Christ — Seekers of Truth

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seekers of truth vs. Woke cultureCult of Woke or Seekers of Truth

We are at a turning point where the ‘Cult of the Woke’ is clashing daily with the seekers of truth. A recent national columnist was bemoaning the lack of a ‘generosity of mind’ that used to be the norm in Western civil society. For, the Woke mob mentality of today will not allow for the possibility that others might be right and they could be wrong. There is no humility or the slightest realization that their perspective might possibly be in error. As a result they are vociferous in their attacks against others who hold to differing opinions. Perhaps you have had to deal with these people? But ‘Wokeness’ is just a new label for an old phenomenon, one that the apostles in the first century experienced. More

February 20th, 2021

Remember Amalek – Sabbath of Remembrance

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    Sabbath of Remembrance — Remember Amalek

Moses in writing to the Israelites before entering their promised land, gave them an admonition, “Remember Amalek.” This brings to mind the question of who was Amalek?  Why were they to be remembered? And. how does this tie into the fact that this Sabbath before the days of Purim, is called the Sabbath of Remembrance.  Sabbath is a time to be refreshed and to renew the divine narrative in our minds. To understand Amalek we must go to the book of beginnings, for Amalek was a descendant of Esau. It was the relationship between Jacob and Esau, the sons of Isaac, revealed in Genesis that gives us the clues to understand God’s command. More

February 18th, 2021

Baptism — Door to Everlasting Life

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baptism door to everlasting lifeBaptism — a Crucial Ritual

All the gospel writers wrote of baptism as an initial public step in a long spiritual process. Matthew and Mark gave evidence to the fact that John the Baptist came as a forerunner of Jesus. His mission was to “prepare the way of the Lord.” So, John offered a baptism of repentance to all who were anticipating the coming of the Messiah. As the Lord’s messenger, John was calling the people to repent: to confess their sins, change their minds, and commit themselves to God. So when the Pharisees came to request baptism, John was amazed. He knew that they were a ‘brood of vipers’ and had not humbled themselves to repent. Rather they were making a pretence of submission to God, while living lives of disobedience. They were not bearing good fruit. So he counselled them to change their heart and their ways. More

February 13th, 2021

Why is this Happening? – The Sabbath Connection

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Sabbath Connection fourth commandmentModern Questions and Ancient Answers

Is there a Sabbath connection to our present dilemmas? It is evident that we, the people of the West, are standing at a crossroads. And the path we choose will have profound consequences. So how do we choose? Many do not realize that answers to our modern questions are to be found in ancient texts. The wise of this age, relying on earthly wisdom, fail to recognize God’s wisdom. As a result they have ‘closed their ears’ to God’s advice, and fail to listen to his warning. Even the ‘religious’ in society are caught up in greedy schemes, lying and cheating, and calling for ‘unity’ to cover up their nefarious deeds. So we are at a crossroads, and we need to decide whether we will walk the path guided by evil leaders and their failed visions. Or, will we choose, a different path, and willingly follow God’s wisdom? More

February 3rd, 2021

Christians – Holy and Clean

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Holy and Clean - God's Perspective on VaccineSola Scriptura — Integrity and Courage

Paul wanted the brethren to be holy and clean, so he reminded Timothy to hold fast to the principle of ‘sola scriptura.’ God’s word alone was to be the lens through which all things were to be evaluated. Scripture was the source of conviction, correction, and spiritual training – our ultimate authority. But Paul also understood that it would require integrity and moral courage to remain true to the teachings of God’s word. More

January 30th, 2021

A Christian’s Rules of Spiritual Warfare

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Pile of salt in the salt pan at rural area of Thailand.

Representatives of a New Cosmos

As Christians, our King, tells us that we are his Ambassadors, and therefore resident aliens in the societies in which we live. We are to be prepared, fully aware of the rules for spiritual warfare. It is our responsibility to live in this world and yet not be ‘of it,’ in our role of ambassadors to the world. Our mission is to stand for the truth of God as faithful representatives of God’s kingdom, that heavenly city that Abraham envisioned. We have been sent into this world order (cosmos), to prepare for another world order, that will be established when Christ, our King, returns. So what are Christ’s rules of spiritual warfare, that we should keep in mind at all times? More

January 23rd, 2021

Those Who Bear God’s Name — The Third Commandment

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Third CommandmentWhat Do You Mean – ‘In Vain?’

It is no easy matter to bear God’s name! Moses and Jesus agree that there are proper and improper uses of God’s name. And, they go far beyond casual swearing in daily conversation. There is much more to the third commandment about not taking God’s name in vain, than using God’s name in silly banter or irreverent dialogue. When we look at the concept of a ‘vain’ use of God’s name it means a useless or worthless use of his name. It is using God’s name without due respect, or in a false or deceptive manner. And perhaps, this last misuse of God’s name is the most relevant today. More