COG Webcast

March 18th, 2021

Ten Commandments — Revisited 2020

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Commandments revisited

Old Commandments for a New Situation

As new circumstances arise in society, our ability as Christians to rightly divide the word of truth and apply the biblical commandment with integrity and discernment is tested. Each generation needs to revisit God’s instructions to understand how they apply in new or evolving social and political situations. God’s principles are eternal, and they define for all time how we are to love God and love our neighbour. There is nothing new under the sun, and all the ways of men can be evaluated by the eternal standards found in scripture. We will reap what we sow, collectively and individually. So this series is to give you insight into the commandments of the Lord our God, and how they will help us avoid evil consequences, and gain God’s blessings.

first commandment Who is your authority
Who is Your Authority?
Consider the first commandment! It is all about who you trust to tell you the truth about right and wrong, good and evil. It involves placing confidence in someone who has greater insight and intellect than yourself. It is a matter of who you will allow to have the primary place of authority in your life. So, who are your authorities?



eliminate idols 2

Eliminate Idols
Idolatry in Paul’s day still included the small religious objects of worship. But Paul warned of a more insidious form of idolatry. Paul cautioned that men would be ‘lovers of self’ and ‘lovers of money.’ A counterfeit would develop, that would have a ‘religious facade’ while elevating human endeavour as worthy of worship. The result would be a sensual, hedonistic, cruel and godless society.



Third Commandment

Those Who Bear God’s Name
It is no easy matter to bear God’s name! Moses and Jesus agree that there are proper and improper uses of God’s name. And, they go far beyond casual swearing in daily conversation. There is much more to the third commandment about not taking God’s name in vain, than using God’s name in silly banter or irreverent dialogue.




Sabbath for Christians

Sabbath Connection
God set the Sabbath apart, it was holy time, and it was a sign between him and his people through all generations. It was a weekly opportunity for God to commune with his people and teach them to follow his path. So what was the consequence of forgetting the Sabbath, of choosing another path?



Fifth Commandment Celina C Photography

Civilization’s Lynchpin
The fifth commandment unites the two key concepts of love for God and love for neighbour that provide the executive summary of God’s will for humanity. The fifth commandment is one of family loyalty, that is owed to God as our spiritual Father and Creator, and our parents as those who were our first caregivers. And it is the family that has provided the foundation for all civilized society.




Sixth Commandment greater good or murder

Murder and the Greater Good
When is it murder? Is it OK to kill a few for the greater good of the many? This is a good question for the  approaching Passover season. The New Covenant Passover (Lord’s Supper) with the bread and wine symbols, as observed by Jesus’ disciples, anticipated the Messiah’s death — his murder. Do you know what the scriptures reveal about this important topic, addressed simply in the commandment, “You shall not murder.”




seventh commandmentSanctity of the Family

Along with changing attitudes towards sexuality, and marriage, divorce has gone from rare to commonplace.  L’a ThN’aPh – the Hebrew transliteration of the seventh commandment says simply, “No adultery” This is an eternal principle that transcends any circumstance. It is a light to guide the path of those who believe God. Yet, throughout scripture we see the principles encompassed in this simple sacred command elaborated in detail.



eighth commandment combatting theft and deceptionCombatting Theft and Deception

The Eighth commandment, Lo T’ganav literally means, “NO you steal!” This is God’s instruction for combatting theft and deception. It is sometimes easy to ignore our complicity in this problem. We can perhaps quickly say that we are not pirates, burglars, robbers, or thieves. But then, perhaps we are not truly grasping the full implications of this command.




ninth commandment

Truth and Your Neighbour

In a time when liars figure, and figures lie, what is the relevance of the ninth commandment, ” You shall not bear false witness?” Was it just a narrow rule given to a primitive people dealing with perjury in courtroom situations? Or does this principle encoded in God’s divine directives have universal applications? The apostle John boldly asserted that sin was a disregard for God’s commandments.

March 13th, 2021

Murder and the Greater Good — the Sixth Commandment

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Sixth Commandment greater good or murderMurder, Passover, and the Messiah

When is it murder? Is it OK to kill a few for the greater good of the many? This is a good question for the beginning of a new sacred year, and the approaching Passover season. The New Covenant Passover (Lord’s Supper) with the bread and wine symbols, as observed by Jesus’ disciples, anticipated the Messiah’s death — his murder.
Do you know what the scriptures reveal about this important topic, addressed simply in the commandment, “You shall not murder.”


March 6th, 2021

Cult of the Woke Or Christ — Seekers of Truth

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seekers of truth vs. Woke cultureCult of Woke or Seekers of Truth

We are at a turning point where the ‘Cult of the Woke’ is clashing daily with the seekers of truth. A recent national columnist was bemoaning the lack of a ‘generosity of mind’ that used to be the norm in Western civil society. For, the Woke mob mentality of today will not allow for the possibility that others might be right and they could be wrong. There is no humility or the slightest realization that their perspective might possibly be in error. As a result they are vociferous in their attacks against others who hold to differing opinions. Perhaps you have had to deal with these people? But ‘Wokeness’ is just a new label for an old phenomenon, one that the apostles in the first century experienced. More

February 20th, 2021

Remember Amalek – Sabbath of Remembrance

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    Sabbath of Remembrance — Remember Amalek

Moses in writing to the Israelites before entering their promised land, gave them an admonition, “Remember Amalek.” This brings to mind the question of who was Amalek?  Why were they to be remembered? And. how does this tie into the fact that this Sabbath before the days of Purim, is called the Sabbath of Remembrance.  Sabbath is a time to be refreshed and to renew the divine narrative in our minds. To understand Amalek we must go to the book of beginnings, for Amalek was a descendant of Esau. It was the relationship between Jacob and Esau, the sons of Isaac, revealed in Genesis that gives us the clues to understand God’s command. More

February 18th, 2021

Baptism — Door to Everlasting Life

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baptism door to everlasting lifeBaptism — a Crucial Ritual

All the gospel writers wrote of baptism as an initial public step in a long spiritual process. Matthew and Mark gave evidence to the fact that John the Baptist came as a forerunner of Jesus. His mission was to “prepare the way of the Lord.” So, John offered a baptism of repentance to all who were anticipating the coming of the Messiah. As the Lord’s messenger, John was calling the people to repent: to confess their sins, change their minds, and commit themselves to God. So when the Pharisees came to request baptism, John was amazed. He knew that they were a ‘brood of vipers’ and had not humbled themselves to repent. Rather they were making a pretence of submission to God, while living lives of disobedience. They were not bearing good fruit. So he counselled them to change their heart and their ways. More

February 13th, 2021

Why is this Happening? – The Sabbath Connection

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Sabbath Connection fourth commandmentModern Questions and Ancient Answers

Is there a Sabbath connection to our present dilemmas? It is evident that we, the people of the West, are standing at a crossroads. And the path we choose will have profound consequences. So how do we choose? Many do not realize that answers to our modern questions are to be found in ancient texts. The wise of this age, relying on earthly wisdom, fail to recognize God’s wisdom. As a result they have ‘closed their ears’ to God’s advice, and fail to listen to his warning. Even the ‘religious’ in society are caught up in greedy schemes, lying and cheating, and calling for ‘unity’ to cover up their nefarious deeds. So we are at a crossroads, and we need to decide whether we will walk the path guided by evil leaders and their failed visions. Or, will we choose, a different path, and willingly follow God’s wisdom? More

February 3rd, 2021

Christians – Holy and Clean

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Holy and Clean - God's Perspective on VaccineSola Scriptura — Integrity and Courage

Paul wanted the brethren to be holy and clean, so he reminded Timothy to hold fast to the principle of ‘sola scriptura.’ God’s word alone was to be the lens through which all things were to be evaluated. Scripture was the source of conviction, correction, and spiritual training – our ultimate authority. But Paul also understood that it would require integrity and moral courage to remain true to the teachings of God’s word. More