Church of God Webcast promoting Judeo-Christianity through weekly Sabbath Webcasts, Videos, a Blog, Articles and personal correspondance to answer your life's questions
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As followers of Christ, once we know that God has given us a command to keep the Sabbath day, then we begin to ask, “What should we do to keep the Sabbath Holy?” Jeff Patton takes a closer look at the biblical examples of Sabbath observance to help us walk in the footsteps of Christ and the disciples.
Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy. Sound familiar? It should ring a bell. God wants to go on a date with you at the end of the week, are you going to stand God up? Jeff Patton discusses the fourth commandment, and why it is so important for a Christian to remember.
Most Christians will readily admit that it is not good to swear or use God’s name as a “filler” for lack of something better to say. Yet the third commandment is concerned with matters far greater than the profane banter in the workplace or schoolyard. Jeff Patton delves into the scripture to bring to light God’s instructions on who bears His name and how His name is to be honoured.
Before God reaffirmed the covenant with Jacob it was essential that Jacob, renamed Israel (Prince with God), and his household were “idol free.” When Israel left Egypt, it was with the understanding that the idols of Egypt had been vanquished by the God of their fathers: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Isrealites were leaving behind all the trappings of false worship and embracing the worship of God that He would prescribe when He met them at Sinai. Jeff Patton talks about God’s covenantal purpose in fashioning us, the Israel of God, into His image. So what are the idols in our lives that we must renounce in favour of the worship of the true God?
Marriage is an institution that has lasted for millennia to establish family life and uphold society. Godly marriages have even greater purpose and teach us profound lessons in spiritual living. Jeff Patton searches the scriptures and exhorts us to grow godly marriage relationships that reject selfishness and are built upon the spiritual resources of honesty, faithfulness, forgiveness, and love.
There are a multitude of scriptural witnesses who attest to the importance of loving God and neighbour by walking the path of obedience to the commandments. Jeff Patton takes a look at the question of obedience and it’s relationship to the first commandment in the scriptures. He then relates this understanding to scientific studies that corroborate God’s wisdom in declaring we should have “no other gods (authorities)” in our lives. Why is this so?
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The question of, “Who is my father?” is a daunting one for some people for a variety of reasons. The question of, “Who is my spiritual father?” also poses a mystery to many, as the bible may not be totally clear as to whether we have one father or two? A challenging conundrum, but one that Jeff Patton answers, when he presents all the biblical evidence for our consideration. It is vital for a Christian to really know, “Who is our spiritual Father?”