COG Webcast


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Avoiding the Pitfalls

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Judeo Christian Vision and Mission

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August 10th, 2012

Salvation Series – The Path to Eternal Life

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Watch the entire video series above, or click the links below to watch or download individual videos.

The journey of salvation is like a walk along a narrow path.

Our walk with Christ as our guide is like a mountain hike from trailhead to summit. There are many steps along the way and challenges to be overcome, yet we are assured of success if we stay on the path and follow our guide, our elder brother who sets the pace for us. Salvation is not an event but a process, that begins when we commit to walking in covenant with our Creator and our heavenly Father. These sermons explore the many facets of this exciting spiritual journey.

August 9th, 2012

Repentance: Spiritual Sacrifice

1 Comment, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.

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Salvation Series

August 9th, 2012

Repentance: Trailhead to Salvation – Eternal Life

1 Comment, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.

Learn more:
Salvation Series

July 28th, 2012

Marriage and Family: Advice from the Scriptures

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Watch the entire video series above, or click the links below to watch or download individual videos.

God at creation instituted the marriage relationship to fulfill his purpose and teach men and women to become more like him…faithful. Western society  has strayed a long way from the covenantal union that God intended, but in studying the scriptures we can learn the essentials. Take some steps today towards walking the path God has set out for those who are married or are contemplating marriage. God’s advice on marriage and family life always holds true.

July 25th, 2012

Spiritual Warfare: Living in Satan’s World

1 Comment, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.

When we understand the nature of the world we live in, a world that is often violent and has no love for the things of God, then we need to know how to deal with the challenges we will face. Josh Patton examines the scriptures that provide us with the wisdom and comfort we need to love our enemies and conduct our spiritual warfare.

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    July 25th, 2012

    Visions of Eternal Life

    2 Comments, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.

    The ancient Egyptians had amazing rituals associated with their concept of life after death and the hurdles they believed they had to magically overcome in order to attain eternal life. Jeff Patton contrasts the mythology of the Egyptians with the reality of scriptures and encourages believers to hold fast to the hope of eternal life that is presently a reality in their lives.


    July 25th, 2012

    An Exceptional Nation: national choices have consequences?

    1 Comment, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.

    We are at a crossroads in history when the fate of our nations is being determined by the actions we take. But our people have been at this place before, long ago. Jeff Patton shows the profound effects of national choices in the stories of Elijah and Josiah, and the lessons for the individuals living in God’s “exceptional nations” today.

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