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Comments Off on A Changed Christianity: Passover and Easter, Filed in Sermons and Media, Videos, by CGP.
How did the division occur between the Church in Jerusalem and the Church in Rome? What were the issues that caused a separation? Christ, the mediator between God and man, warned his disciples about those who would teach contrary to his commands and institute human traditions. Paul following in Christ’s footsteps admonished those in Corinth to keep the Holy Day. Was it Passover and Easter? Or was it Passover or Easter?
Millions of people believe that the Church had the power to bind and to loose. But is this true? What does the bible say about what is bound and what is loosened by God. Who has the authority to bind and loose? Christ gives an unequivocal answer that may surprise you.
The apostle John, writing at the end of the first century AD, warned Christians of church leaders who were rejecting John’s authority and the traditional teachings of the apostles, and even expelling faithful brethren from their congregations. Jeff Patton looks into scripture and the history of the time to add important information about the major changes in doctrine and observance that took place in the gentile Christian church beginning at the time of John’s writings. This important information about church authority is for all Christians who are looking to understand and practice the “Christianity” of Christ and the apostles.
Is the Christianity of today the direct lineal descendant of the Jerusalem church that was founded on the law, the prophets, and the apostles? Or has there been a change? The brethren of the first century church, both Jew and Gentile, were warned of forces that were trying to subvert, twist, and distort the message of scripture. What was the impact of these forces on their world and on the Christianity of our world. Do we have “a changed Christianity?”
The idea of the “Vicar of Christ” is foreign to the biblical record. Jeff Patton looks into the scripture to understand the foundation stone of Christianity. Was Peter the rock that the Church was built on and were his successors given the power to bind and loose? This is the mainstay of traditional Christianity, but is it the truth?
Did you know that God has a lot to say about romantic love, that deep emotional sexual love that a man and woman have for each other. In fact God dedicated a poetic book in the Bible to teach us about this kind of loving loyalty. Jeff Patton explores the Song of Songs, to make God’s thoughts on romantic love vibrant for us today.
How do we demonstrate our “philadelphia,” our love for our brethren? Jeff Patton provides insights from the lives of Jacob’s family to help us understand what God expects from his children in terms of our love for one another. Brotherly love, family affection, is that a priority in your life as a Christian?