COG Webcast


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May 18th, 2013

Christian Perfection: The Perfect Man

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two treesIs it possible to achieve perfection? The scriptures tell us that this is our goal…the end result of our spiritual journey through faith in Christ. Jeff Patton explains how we are being perfected, built into a suitable dwelling place of God, where He is “at home.” The perfect man is our “teleios.”

May 11th, 2013

Christian Faith: Women of Faith

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elijah and widow.sepia
The book of Hebrews speaks of women of faith who were blessed with the miracle of having their dead loved ones restored to life. Who were some of these women, and how did they express their faith through action? Jeff Patton reveals the challenges that women have faced and still face, and how God heard the prayers of faithful women of the bible and relieved their suffering. These are powerful stories of God’s deliverance of those who trusted in Him.

May 5th, 2013

Christian Faith: Active Obedience

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nebuchadnezzarsdream2Did you know that Christian faith is your “title deed,” your guarantee, of the hope you have in the promises of God. We need to act on our convictions in obedience to God, so we do not slip into the sin that comes from a lack of faith. Jeff Patton brings to light the connections between the faithful of Hebrews 11 and the examples of Daniel and his four friends as they demonstrated their faith in the Creator, the only true God, through active obedience while facing severe trials as captives in Babylon. More

May 5th, 2013

Christian Faith: God’s Riches

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Cairo Museum - King Tut's throneThe health and wealth gospel is alive and well in North America, and it has a particular appeal during times of financial stress. But is God interested in earthly riches, or does he offer something much more valuable? Join Jeff for an in-depth look at the faith that is required to hold fast to God’s riches, as he examines the life of Moses, the man who forsook all the riches of a prince of Egypt for the riches Christ offers. Are you making the same choice of faith in Christ, Christian faith, that Moses made? More

April 20th, 2013

Christian Faith: Faith to Act

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Amanda Thatcher had faith to act on her belief and speak before many world leaders at her grandmother’s funeral with an important biblical message from the apostle Paul in Ephesians. The bible tells us that faith without action is insufficient…We cannot please God without the works that flow from faith. Jeff Patton looks at the life of Rahab and how her faith saved her and her family in a spectacular way. Do we have the kind of faith that Rahab had?

April 14th, 2013

Christian Faith

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faith, mustard seedChrist tells us that the weightier matters of the law, are  justice, mercy, and faith. But what is faith? Is it merely the belief that Christ is our Saviour, or are there many aspects of faith? What do the scriptures say about faith, and the men and women of faith whose stories encourage us in our walk of faith? Let this series of sermons give you encouragement and inspiration to live a faith-filled life in covenant with the ever-faithful God. Learn about the many facets of Christian faith.






Abraham Believed GodAbraham Believed
The ancient city of Ur was in the news as a result of recent excavations there. Though a thriving city over 3000 years ago and mostly forgotten to all but the archaeologists, yet some Christians will still recognize Ur as the hometown of Abraham. Abraham, is the father of the faithful, but why did God call Abraham our Father in the faith? What did he think, say, or do that prompted God to use Abraham as an example of godly faith? Jeff Patton examines the life of Abram and Sarai as they begin their covenant walk with God.


Christian Faith - faithful AbrahamAbraham Trusted God
Faith is a gift from God; it is divine persuasion, and it is not detected by visible signs. So we, like Abraham, if we have faith, then we are still waiting for the ultimate fulfillment of the divine promises in the Kingdom of God. As we wait patiently are we yielded to God and keeping the faith so we can inherit the promises along with faithful Abraham? What further lessons can we learn of Christian faith from our father in the faith, Abraham?



faith moses god's richesMoses & God’s Riches

The health and wealth gospel is alive and well in North America, and it has a particular appeal during times of financial stress. But is God interested in earthly riches, or does he offer something much more valuable? Join Jeff for an in-depth look at the faith that is required to hold fast to God’s riches, as he examines the life of Moses, the man who forsook all the riches of a prince of Egypt for the riches Christ offers. Are you making the same choice of faith in Christ, Christian faith, that Moses made?




rahab faith to actFaith to Act

Amanda Thatcher had faith to act on her belief and speak before many world leaders at her grandmother’s funeral with an important biblical message from the apostle Paul in Ephesians. The bible tells us that faith without action is insufficient…We cannot please God without the works that flow from faith. Jeff Patton looks at the life of Rahab and how her faith saved her and her family in a spectacular way. Do we have the kind of faith that Rahab had?




faith active obedienceDaniel and Active Obedience

Did you know that Christian faith is your “title deed,” your guarantee, of the hope you have in the promises of God. The faithful of Hebrews 11 and Daniel and his four friends  demonstrated their faith in the Creator, the only true God, through active obedience while facing severe trials as captives in Babylon.


Faith in Times of Doubt

April 14th, 2013

Christian Faith: Abraham Trusted God

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Faith is a gift from God; it is divine persuasion, and it is not detected by visible signs. So we, like Abraham, if we have faith, then we are still waiting for the ultimate fulfillment of the divine promises in the Kingdom of God. As we wait patiently are we yielded to God and keeping the faith so we can inherit the promises along with faithful Abraham? What further lessons can we learn of Christian faith from our father in the faith, Abraham?


View more videos and articles to learn about God and his teachings from the ‘sola scriptura’ perspective.
It is God’s spirit that leads us into all truth as we read his word.