COG Webcast


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January 3rd, 2015

Festivals of Light

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Festival of Light? Card by Fred Meyer

Festival of Light?

Does God care about the festivals we celebrate in his honour? The scripture outlines Holy Days that are commanded, but what about other days that are not commanded? Does God leave the decision-making up to us? What criteria should we use in deciding what we should or should not celebrate? Are Christmas and Chanukah both festivals of light?

January 3rd, 2015

The Importance of Purpose

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cyrus cylinder
Without purpose we wander, we lack direction, we become depressed and discouraged. The history of Israel in the time of Cyrus the King of Persia, and the return of the people from exile in Babylon fulfilling God’s prophecy, provide lessons for us concerning the importance of purpose. Are we willing to listen to God’s message and to embrace the purpose that God defines for us in scripture?

December 20th, 2014

Growing in Grace and Knowledge

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grow in grace and knowledgeThe Christian challenge is one of growing in grace and knowledge over a lifetime. We cannot remain static, we must grow, no matter how slowly. But God is there to help, showing us favour and “leaning towards us,” so He can bless us. But what does the scripture say about this growth process? Zechariah encourages us to trust in God’s grace, and Peter and Paul admonish us to grow in a certain kind of knowledge. What is the kind of knowledge, the “gnosis,” gained through a first-hand relationship with God, that Peter is encouraging us to embrace.

December 20th, 2014

Circumcision in the Bible? Who Needs It?

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circumcisionMany people have their opinions about circumcision. But if you are a believer who accepts the authority of scripture as your guide to living, what does God have to say to you about the issue of circumcision in the bible. And does it apply to both men and women who are living in covenant with God through baptism into the body of Christ?

December 6th, 2014

Celtic Scripturalists Spiritual warfare

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Slane - destroyer of nationsOur survival as Christians in the 21st Century depends upon our understanding the historic spiritual warfare between two major views of scripture.  It has been fought between the scripturalists, those who believed in the literal word of God, and those who espoused the allegorical interpretation of scripture and exalted the role of the church as interpreter. In the early medieval period it was a battle between the scripturalists of the early Common Celtic Church, and the Romanists who followed Augustine’s allegorical interpretation. The battle has continued to our day, and we need to know God’s expectations, so we can do battle with God’s armour of truth, righteousness, and faith.

October 25th, 2014

Love God with All your Soul

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Love God with all your soul
How do you love God with all your soul, your “Nephesh.” Jeff helps us understand the full meaning of “nephesh:” body, soul, living being, unique personality. He makes plain lessons from the lives of Joseph, Daniel, Peter, Cornelius, and Paul to help us understand God’s message for both Jew and Gentile, all those who follow the teachings of Christ. Are you glorifying God in your body and loving God with all your soul? God expects no less.

October 9th, 2014

Christians: Fasting on the Day Atonement?

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Christians: Fasting on the Day Atonement?
Are there clues in the scripture to help Christians know God’s expectations in regards to fasting on the day of Atonement? What did Christ, Paul, and others have to say about fasting on the day of Atonement? Was there a role for fasting in the life of the disciples in the New Covenant church. Jeff Patton searches the biblical accounts and makes connections to the Lord’s prayer to help us understand God’s mind on this matter. You may be surprised.