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March 18th, 2016

Coming Kingdom of God – Series

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coming kingdom of God

Coming Kingdom of God

Daniel: “I saw in the night visions,
and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man,
and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him.
And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom,
that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him;
his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away,
and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed. Daniel 7:13-14

Incorruptible King
Coming Kingdom of God – The Good News of the Gospel
Daniel reveals the mystery of the coming Kingdom of God. So what did he see and what did he reveal to the king of Babylon? What was the meaning of Nebuchadnezzar’s awesome vision? What kingdoms did the statue represent, and how would they come to an end? What Kingdom would replace all the previous kingdoms and fill the whole world? Who was the Son of Man? The scriptures reveal answers to this mysterious prophecy, answers that may find their fulfillment in our day.


Fruit of the KingdomComing Kingdom of God – The Beginning of the Gospel of the Kingdom
There is a great continuity in the message of scripture. Long before Christ appeared the hope of the Kingdom was prophesied by David. Malachi wrote of the messenger who would prepare the “way for the Lord.” Later Mark recorded the “beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ” proclaiming the message of the gospel of the Kingdom of God, by word and by action. Are we imitating Christ’s example and so fully following the message of the gospel of the Kingdom as faithful disciples? Learn a lesson from Jesus parable of the trees.


king and his kingdom

Coming Kingdom of God – The King’s Message about His Kingdom

Almost two thousand years ago Christ came and brought a message about the king and his kingdom. He instructed his disciples, all who are called of the Father, that we should pray that his Kingdom should come soon. But it is not here yet. So, what is the secret of the Kingdom that Christ revealed to his disciples, but not to the world? What is the nature of the realm of the King’s sovereign rule? What is the job the King wants us to do?


kingdom will grow2Coming Kingdom of God – The Kingdom of God will Grow
Jesus spoke of the farmer planting the seeds and the mystery of the seeds growing “spontaneously,” as an analogy of the Kingdom of God. What did he mean, and what are the implications for those disciples called to sow the seed? Daniel, Isaiah, and David all add to our understanding of how the Kingdom of God will grow, as both a physical and spiritual reality. Let the scriptures reveal the answers to this great marvel.


Saint of the Kingdom?Coming Kingdom of God – Saints of the Kingdom of God
Do you know a “Saint?” Are you a “Saint?” There are many misconceptions about saints, among the religious! But the scripture gives us all we need to know to become a saint, set apart by God and different from the world. Learn from the life of Paul, Dorcas, and the disciples the reality of living as the saints of the Kingdom of God.



saints will ruleComing Kingdom of God – Saints Will Rule
Christ will return and rule as KING of kings. But who are the kings who will rule with Christ? How do they gain their power? How will they rule? This mystery is an important part of God’s plan for the restoration of the Kingdom of God on earth. So what does the bible reveal about the time when the saints will rule?

March 18th, 2016

Coming Kingdom of God – the Good News of the Gospel

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kingdom of God lightning

  • Coming Kingdom of God

Daniel reveals the mystery of the coming Kingdom of God. So what did he see and what did he reveal to the king of Babylon? What was the meaning of Nebuccadnezzar’s awesome vision? What kingdoms did the statue represent, and how would they come to an end? What Kingdom would replace all the previous kingdoms and fill the whole world? Who was the Son of Man? The scriptures reveal answers to this mysterious prophecy, answers that may find their fulfillment in our day.

March 17th, 2016

Prayers of the Saints

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prayers of the saints

Prayers of the Saints

  • When was the last time you prayed to the Father in faith, knowing He would hear your prayer? Do we underestimate the power of our prayers, and of the Lord Jesus who intercedes on our behalf before the Father? Do we understand what God requires of us when we appear before Him to make our requests? The prayers of the saints, all the faithful sons and daughters of God, are more important than you may realize.

March 12th, 2016

Mystery of God’s Family – His House

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mystery of God's familyThe Mystery of God’s Family

The historicity of King David is no longer disputed due to recent archaeological evidence. David had wanted to build a house for God, but God turned it around and promised to build David a house – a dynasty, a family, that would not be forgotten. Yet the even greater reality is that the Father is offering all those who love Him and walk with Him, a place in His house, His family. What is the mystery of God’s family and what will it mean to live in God’s house?

March 5th, 2016

Goodness and Mercy will Follow Me

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The Lord Our Shepherd- Part 12

goodness and mercy will follow meHow do we understand “goodness and mercy will follow me?” David was confident in his proclamation and his understanding of God’s covenant loyalty. When we face tragedy or our world seems to be “falling apart” how can we have the same confidence that David had in God’s goodness and mercy? Do we have confidence that we will “dwell in the house of the Lord forever,” not just as “long as we live.”

February 27th, 2016

Anoint My Head with Oil – Psalm 23

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Lord Our Shepherd – Part 11

David annointed kingDavid’s Anointing

What does David mean in Psalms 23 when he says “anointed my head with oil?” What is the historical context and what does this statement portend for the future? When we consider God’s plan for bringing us into his family, what does the “anointing” represent? What did David understand about “anointing” that is important for us to consider, in our walk with God today?

January 6th, 2016

The Lord Prepares a Table!

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Lord Our Shepherd – Part 10

the Lord prepares a tableThe Lord prepares a table? How?

What is the “Lord’s table?” This passage in Psalm 23 is rich in meaning and gives the believer encouragement in this life and hope for the future. Jeff Patton examines and expands upon the concept of the “Lord’s table” and how God has provided in the past, continues to provide for us now, and will provide blessings in the future for His people. Even in times of trouble, the Lord prepares a table in the presence of His enemies.