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Feast of Trumpets and Christianity
Who is the one who instructed the people to worship on the Feast of Trumpets? And does this teaching apply to new covenant believers? If most Christians were to observe the Holy Days they would come to understand the relationship between the Feast of Trumpets and Christianity. God’s hope is that all will be saved and come to the truth, yet he gives us all a choice. And at the present, many Christians have chosen to teach man-made ideas and forms of worship, while rejecting the clear instructions of scripture. So what are the special times that the word of God asks us to remember and observe? More
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Fuzzy Theology: Do You Know the Scriptures?
A recent poll in the US showed that a majority of people believe in God and love the bible. But, most are “fuzzy” on the details. In fact, they often believe incongruent and conflicting things about the scriptures.
Yet, the scriptures themselves claim to be the Word of God and the source of the truth, so if we believe God, then we believe that the scriptures must be consistent. So how do we avoid walking in the fog of a fuzzy theology, that is not grounded in the truth? More
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Art of the Lie or Power of Truth?
We are living in what some have called the era of “Post-truth Politics” – when people put their reliance on assertions that may “feel” true, but in reality have no basis in fact. As Christians however, we must consider Christ’s words to the religious of his time who were also deaf to the truth, and had bought into the lies and half-truths of their society – those ideas that on the surface seemed plausible, but were in reality, spiritual darkness. It is only the truth that sets us free, and anything less than the truth results in bondage. So our choice becomes clear we must know the source of truth, “alethia” – reality, the way the universe really is – or we will default to a life based on illusion. So what is the power of truth? More
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Looking for Good Leadership
Looking for good leadership is difficult when the political landscape of many nations looks like a battlefield. In the current battle for the US presidency many are asking, “Who should we blame for this disaster?” Cynicism abounds in a political culture of warring groups, indifference, relativism, and moral indecision. God’s wisdom concerning human leadership requires that we take a different view, one beyond the politics of the moment, More
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Praying for Our Leaders
When we reflect on Paul’s admonition to Timothy to “pray for those in authority” we seldom stop to ponder the nature of the society, and the government at the time of Paul’s writing. So what was life like for the average person in a society ruled by the Roman empire? How did the character of the leaders affect the lives of the common person? Nero, a very complicated man, was probably the emperor when Paul wrote his epistle, so what did Paul expect a Christian to pray about?
What does the bible teach us about praying for those in positions of power? The stories of Cyrus and Darius relating to the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem gives the scriptural insight into God’s perspective, and the consequences of the prayers of God’s people for these foreign overlords. Daniel’s prayers for Nebuchadnezzar are also instructive. But perhaps the story of Ahab and Jezebel are particularly apropos to our time, mirroring in some ways the nature of our present society. What lessons can we learn? More
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Lights in God’s house
God is light and as we live day-by-day walking in the light we become more like our Father, having his mindset and character. Yet, if we refuse to overcome and we prefer darkness refusing the light of God’s law/teaching then the apostle Paul warns us of the danger of spiritual shipwreck – the end result of not heeding the guidance given by the light. God’s word is our lighthouse shining to keep us on the narrow path, avoiding the treacherous spiritual currents, shoals, and rocks that could destroy us. More
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Family Unity
Stronger Together
In a world of competing interests, values, and visions how can we restore family unity?
Christ spoke to the situation in his time and the tensions within the community and families due to sectarian discord. He concluded that a house divided would not be able to stand, and history bears witness to the resultant disaster for the Jewish community. In our day the situation is equally divisive, and unless we take active steps to counter the effects of the spirit of our time we too will not experience the peace in our families that God intended. If we are stuck in the darkness of contention and conflict, how can we find the path forward? More