COG Webcast


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August 11th, 2017

Labouring in the Gospel – What Does That Mean?

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Labouring in the Gospel

labouring in the gospelSorting Truth from Error

In a world of false messaging, and secular “gospels” that can’t help but produce dystopian outcomes, what does “labouring in the gospel” mean? Christians are called to “labour” in order to fight for godly values — Judeo-Christian values. Daniel prophesied of a world where the godless would rule. False teaching would predominate. Yet, at the same time, the spiritually attuned would need to be strong. They would need to take action to continue to teach the truth. In a time of moral relativism, half-truths, and outright deceptions, it requires persistence to continue to teach those who are still willing to listen to the gospel of truth. More

July 29th, 2017

Is Biblical Faith Rational?

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Is biblical faith rational?Faith is the Foundation

Faith is the foundation of our spiritual life, but is biblical faith rational? We are physical beings limited to knowing our universe through our five senses and the machines we have created to extend those senses. Our perception of reality is limited to the material. The bible on the other hand views what we can “see” with our senses as “temporary.” According to the scripture, the eternal reality is something we cannot see except through faith. This spiritual dimension is the true reality. Our “reality” physical life as we experience it, is like a mere two dimensional representation of the greater reality. So is this rational? More

July 18th, 2017

Speaking for God and to God

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Speaking for God and to God

Speaking for God and to GodAbraham’s Approach

Abraham set an example of speaking to God, and speaking for God. Can you imagine speaking face-to-face with the Lord as Abraham did? The Lord God had enjoyed a meal with Abraham and then decided to let him know about the purpose of the Lord’s trip to Sodom. Would we have the same reverent, respectful approach?  Would we be willing to negotiate with God, for the lives of others, as did Abraham? It is a fascinating story of the importance of our willingness to communicate with God. Or, would we be like Daniel, intervening on behalf of his people, and believing his words with God could make a difference? More

July 10th, 2017

Taming the Tongue

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careful with our words

My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body.  Indeed, we put bits in horses’ mouths that they may obey us, and we turn their whole body.  Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires.  Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. James 3

Taming the Tongue is a challenge. The apostle James likened it to controlling a powerful horse with a bridle or taming a wildfire. Our ability to do so grows through diligent study, a lifetime of experience, and compassion for those who listen to us. It requires godly insight to be able to offer the right words at the right time. It takes wisdom to know when to speak and when the “sound of silence” is your best response. In a world of bloggers, social media rants, trolls and tirades, it takes the gift of discernment to know what to say and how to say it.  So what are some of  the aspects one must consider when taming the tongue? Here are some videos to give you insight into what God has to say about how and when we should speak.

Be Careful with Your Words — Words Have Power

Your Response to Persecution – Love Your Enemies?

Prepared to Give an Answer – Are you Ready?

A Time to Speak – So What Should We Say?

July 10th, 2017

A Time to Speak – So What Should We Say?

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words have powerA Time to Speak

Walking With God comes with a Responsibility

God’s wisdom tells us that there is a time for everything, a season for silence and a time to speak
As those called by God’s mercy into a relationship with him, we begin a new life of walking with God. We are to live by every word of God. Like the ancient nation of Israel, God advises all who believe in him to choose life — obeying his teachings, and loving his ways. And as parents and grandparents one of those commands is to speak with our children about our walk with God. More

July 2nd, 2017

Prepared to Give an Answer – Are you Ready?

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prepared to give an answer

Be Careful What You Say

Christ, the Lord of our lives, wants us to be prepared to give an answer to others. The Lord is our shelter and sanctuary.  When men ask us questions about our faith, we are to respond as if we were in God’s presence. For, we will have to give account to the Lord for our words. We are his ambassadors. The answer we give is to be an “apologia” — a well reasoned-argument with compelling proof. The Lord is asking us to be prepared to give a logical defence. But there is more to it than an intellectual response. More