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The Authentic Gospel
The biblical writers, Jude, Paul, and John, encouraged believers to “fight for the faith once delivered.” They urged their readers to recapture the authentic gospel — what was understood from the beginning. Do you know that gospel? Jude and Paul also warned about the false teachers who would profess to know God. But, they would lead people away from the truth with a gospel of “lawlessness” that denies God. In this festive winter season it would seem that many have never known ‘primitive’ Christianity. Or, they have forgotten the authentic gospel message. Yet, people still flock to concert halls to hear Handel’s Messiah. Sadly, many no longer have any understanding of what the lyrics really mean. More
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Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day
The final harvest festivals of God picture the peace and prosperity of the world that will be transformed under the reign of the Messiah, after the return of Jesus Christ as King of Kings. It is a time of spiritual renewal for the people of God, a time to rejoice before our Maker and praise Him for his wonderful promises and the hope we have in the coming of the Kingdom of God to rule all nations. It is a time for children and families to be encouraged by God’s word and praise God with song. It is a time for rehearsing the biblical stories of our fathers in the faith who observed these days, and to garner the lessons of scripture to apply to our lives today.
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Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day
The final harvest festivals of God picture the peace and prosperity of the world that will be transformed under the reign of the Messiah, after the return of Jesus Christ as King of Kings. It is a time of spiritual renewal for the people of God, a time to rejoice before our Maker and praise Him for his wonderful promises and the hope we have in the coming of the Kingdom of God to rule all nations. It is a time for children and families to be encouraged by God’s word and praise God with song. It is a time for rehearsing the biblical stories of our fathers in the faith who observed these days, and to garner the lessons of scripture to apply to our lives today.
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Euthanasia and Abortion — Issues of Death and Life
What does the bible have to say about the thorny topics of euthanasia and abortion. These matters have come to the fore recently with a number of governments enacting new laws to address the issues. Yet, in reality, these are not new issues, they have their ancient counterparts. As followers of Christ, we need to ask, “What would Jesus do?” if he were living in our time. What advice would he offer when it comes to the death and life issues of our era?
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Day of Atonement — Yom Kippur
The fast on the Day of Atonement is rich with meaning for the Christian, as it points us to the sacrifice of Christ as a propitiation for our sins, and the sins of all people. As we afflict our souls through fasting we gain a deeper understanding of our need for God, and his plan to forgive our sins so we might live in covenant with Him. We also anticipate that time of peace when the adversary will no longer influence humanity and a jubilee will sound announcing the restoration of the inheritance to the people of God. More
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Traditional Christian Holidays — Spirit and Truth
Winter Holidays
It is a common belief in our era that the traditions we have inherited, and the days we celebrate have their roots in the biblical account. As a result, with the increasing commercialization there are those who are always fighting to “put Christ back into Christmas.” But was he ever there in the first place? Let’s look at the record of scripture and history to understand the traditional Christian holidays. Then we can know what God wants us to do to worship Him in spirit and truth.
Does God care about the festivals we celebrate in his honour? The scripture outlines Holy Days that are commanded, but what about other days that are not commanded? Does God leave the decision-making up to us? What criteria should we use in deciding what we should or should not celebrate? Are Christmas and Chanukah both festivals of light? More
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The Messiah’s Message for Chanukah
During the festival of Dedication in Jerusalem the religious leaders were asking, Jesus, “Are you the Messiah?” Though they had witnessed many miracles and heard Jesus’ teaching, they did not believe. They were unwilling to listen, learn, and follow the Messiah. They plotted to kill Jesus, accusing him of blasphemy, because he said he was the son of God. He in turn reminded them of the scripture that said, “You are gods.” For they all were children of the Most High. But they would die as mortals because they had rejected God’s Messiah. More