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Comments Off on Passover – A Prophetic Vision and Hope for the Future, Filed in Videos, by CGP.
The Importance of “Vision”
“Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restrain.” But what is the answer to this dilemma? Scriptures assure us that those who have vision will be blessed. Why? Because they will know the truth that sets them free. They will no longer be enslaved by false ideas and lack the vision that is essential to a hopeful future. So what is that truth? As we rehearse year by year the story of the Exodus and God’s deliverance we should be mindful of the prophetic vision it provides. A vision of freedom that is rooted in the truth of God’s word. Do you have this vision of the future to encourage and empower you? More
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Spiritual Eyesight?
The spring of the year brings to mind a host of spiritual realities, but do we have eyes to see them? We must discern between truth or tradition. There are those in the world who have “tuned” God out and are blind to spiritual realities. And some willfully so! They hold God and his ways in contempt. Having donned spiritual blinders, they are walking in darkness. Many in our cultural elite embrace their aggressively atheistic worldview with its twisted perception of reality. They refuse to acknowledge natural laws and human freedoms, while extolling the “virtues” of death — abortion, and euthanasia. They have chosen darkness instead of light. The have rejected truth and refused to countenance the evidence for intelligent design. Paul had experience with the “educated” of his day who also thought they were wise, yet could not see their own blindness. More
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The Role of High Priest
In the 21st century the concept of “High Priest” is lost to most people. Even among Christians, few know the function of Christ our high priest. In Jesus’ time the office of high priest had been corrupted, and was little more than a political/religious appointment by the Romans. In fact, there was such a great turnover in the high priest’s office that there were 27 high priests in the first hundred years CE. But as much as this role has been usurped, misappropriated, and maligned over the centuries it still has vital significance in God’s plan. There have been faithful high priests. And, the people of ancient Israel would have had a basic understanding of this important responsibility when it was established. Do you? More
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That Prophet Speaks for God
Prophets — Truth or Lies
In our age of fake news, researchers at MIT admit that lies travel farther, faster, and deeper than the truth. But this is nothing new. In the time of Saul and Barnabus, Elymas Bar Jesus was a local purveyor of deceit, lies, and evil schemes. He held sway in the court of Sergius Paulus, the proconsul in Paphos, Cyprus. But Saul recognized him for what he was and ousted the false prophet, so the truth could be preached. Paul dealt with others in Rome and elsewhere who willingly exchanged the truth of God for lies. But, Paul’s advice to the Gentile believers was More
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Christ the Prophet, Priest, and King
Who is Worthy?
What do the authors of the Narnia tales, and the Lord of the Rings have in common? C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien created powerful ‘biblical’ personalities and themes to drive their works of fiction. These men had a basic faith in the God of the bible and the purpose and plan that he would accomplish. God’s plan is a matter of public record in the scriptures. However, it has been ‘sealed’ and it’s message hidden. In vision the apostle John saw the sealed scroll that God the Father was holding. He cried when he realized no man was worthy to open the scroll and reveal its meaning. But there is someone who can open it. Do you know who is worthy? More
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God Does the Improbable
Most people live their daily lives with no consideration for what God has done or continues to do. So it would surprise them to know how God works — how God does the improbable. But, those who have faith, who trust in God, believe that God will give them victory over death. Is there anything more ‘improbable’ than that? Our spiritual ancestors understood God’s power to reward those who seek him. So, they didn’t just believe he exists. They believed in his power to intervene and do the improbable in their lives. Do you? More
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Messiah Will Return
Handel’s Messiah concludes with words from Job who lived four thousand years ago. Job prophesied, “I know my redeemer lives and he will stand on the earth in the latter days.” Job was convinced that long after his death he would witness this event with his own eyes. He was angered by his friend’s threats, because he knew that God was just. Job was confident of a bright future because his redeemer, the Messiah will return. He knew he had a redeemer — someone who would pay his debt, a debt that he could not pay. And this gave Job hope and assurance, for it was God who was his surety! More