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May 20th, 2018

Searching for the Spirit — Series

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Confusion abounds when it comes to the nature of God’s spirit, The Holy Spirit. “Ruach” in Hebrew and “pneuma” in Greek can both be translated as Spirit, spirit, wind, or breath, depending upon the context in the scripture. Some theologians or translators would have you believe that  the Spirit is a “Holy Ghost,” or the Third Person in a Trinity? But is this the truth?

What is the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Power, the Comforter, the Voice of the spirit and how does it work in the world? Why, as Christians,  is it vitally important for us  to understand the role of the Spirit in our walk with God? This series will answer these questions and many more. Learn what you need to know about the power of God’s Spirit in your life.


spirit of God Holy Spirit

1 Searching for the Spirit — The Great Debate

It takes real detective work when searching for the Spirit of God. Often those who have rejected the “orthodox” belief about the spirit are considered illiterate at best, and heretics at worst. But, we must not base our understanding on tradition or hearsay. The real test is, “What do the scriptures say?” And, according to the apostle Paul,  “All scripture was “breathed-out” by God. Peter  confirmed that it was the spirit that led the prophets to speak and write God’s words. So, it is these words that inform, train,  and discipline those who are now being led by the spirit. More

May 20th, 2018

Pentecost 2018 – Spirit of Power and Promise

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Feast of Firstfruits - Shavuoth

A New World is Coming – a Vision for Pentecost

Is a better world coming? If we believe the prophesies of Isaiah, we have hope of a new world in the future. But this world will not come until God’s spirit is poured out on all people. This change will not come until the Messiah returns. It will come when the Spirit of the Lord, the spirit of knowledge and wisdom and righteousness, rules with justice and fairness. And, the Spirit of power transforms the very nature of the animal kingdom — so they will no longer hurt or destroy. A time of transformation is coming. Are you preparing for that time? More

May 20th, 2018

Searching for the Spirit — Spirit of Truth is our Helper

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spirit of truth and lightSpirit of Truth

God’s Spirit loves the truth. And, it is this Spirit of the Truth that is given to all those who love God and keep his commandments. How do we know this? Jesus in talking to his disciples before he died, reassured them that they would not be alone. He promised them that they would not be left as orphans. Why? Because Jesus’ Father would send them the Spirit to comfort them. The Spirit of Truth would be their helper, their advocate, before the Father. So they could walk with God. And the disciples needed to know this, as their world was about to be turned upside-down. They were about to be witnesses to the truth of the resurrection. And, it would be the truth, even if no one else would believe it.

Is God’s spirit of truth convicting us of the truth, as it did the disciples almost 2000 years ago? More

May 19th, 2018

Searching for the Spirit 4 — Living Waters

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Holy spirit living waters
The Spirit “Poured out”

God’s spirit of wisdom is personified in the Proverbs as a woman of dignity and honour. “Wisdom” is concerned about the health and happiness of her people. She raises her voice and implores her people to transform their lives by listening to God’s instructions. She envisions the future time when God’s Spirit will be poured out on the remnant of the people that would listen to God’s call to repentance and transformation. Are we hearing the Spirit of Wisdom and Truth and walking with the Spirit at our side? More

May 19th, 2018

Searching for the Holy Spirit 3 — Sharing Spiritual Resources

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sharing spiritual resourcesThe Power of the Spirit

We have seen in Genesis that the Spirit is not a person of a “trinity,” but the power of God – God’s spiritual resources. It was by His Spirit that God created the universe and brought light into the world. The scripture explains that the Spirit is the power that gives us the desire to do what is right. It helps us discern between good and evil. And, it guides us along God’s path and gives us the wisdom to do God’s will. In the future, God will judge the world by his Spirit of truth. Do you have God’s spiritual resources? More

May 6th, 2018

Searching for the Spirit 2— Power of God’s Spirit…

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Power of God’s Spirit

Power of God's SpiritGod’s Creative Force

The power of God’s spirit is first seen in the story of creation. The raw materials of the universe were formed by the spirit from “nothing.” This matter was like a wasteland, void and empty. So God sent his spirit and began the transformation. The spirit hovered over the water, lovingly moving over it as a bird brooding over its young. Then by his spirit, God willed the light into existence. God’s spirit was the projection of his will and power into the physical universe. By his spirit the Creator formed the universe, and renewed the earth for his children. So how does God’s spirit work in the lives of his people? More

April 28th, 2018

Searching for the Spirit

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spirit of God Holy SpiritThe Great Debate

It takes real detective work when searching for the Spirit of God. Often those who have rejected the “orthodox” belief about the spirit are considered illiterate at best, and heretics at worst. But, we must not base our understanding on tradition or hearsay. The real test is, “What do the scriptures say?” And, according to the apostle Paul,  “All scripture was “breathed-out” by God. Peter adds to our understanding of how this was done. He confirmed that it was the spirit that led the prophets to speak and write God’s words. So, it is these words that inform, train, correct, and discipline those who are now being led by the spirit.

Why is Searching for the Spirit so Vital? More