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God’s Epic Story of Triumph
Our world has an appetite for epic stories of triumph over the forces of darkness and evil. “Endgame” is a recent example which brings to mind the question, “What is God’s endgame for his saints?” It is certainly an even greater thriller than one that can be imagined by Hollywood. And it too is a story of the triumph of light over darkness, and the truth over lies and deception. It is a tale of spiritual powers locked in battle for the cosmos, and the eventual overthrow of the great deceiver. But there is more to the story. More
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Servants of our Master
Sectarianism was a negative part of the religious milieu in Paul’s day. In order to combat this divisive “party spirit” he made it plain that we are all “in God’s service.” And this service is to a common master. So we should all be performing our role as servants of God working together to perform his will. But sometimes we find this concept daunting. What does it really mean to be in God’s service? More
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Learning from Our Forefathers
In our world, “identity politics” is a topic of much debate. But God laughs at such notions. So, when Paul admonishes believers to go forward in faith he is talking to everyone. There is no Jew or Gentile, rather if we are Christ’s then Abraham is our forefather in the faith. And, if we are Abraham’s descendants — his children — then the bible is our story. That is why Paul could warn believers in his day to learn from the lessons of faith taught by Israel’s journey out of Egypt. Because Israel’s history was written to instruct them about their heritage. And to warn them not to make the same mistakes, and test Christ! More
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Passover and Repentance
The Passover season brings to mind all the events surrounding the death and resurrection of the Messiah. These events had been prophesied centuries earlier in the Psalms and the prophets. Jesus recounted all the prophecies that confirmed that he was the Messiah after his resurrection, as he walked on the road to Emmaus with two disciples. Luke revealed in this account that it was necessary for Jesus to suffer, die, and rise again. Why? So that repentance could be preached to all nations. And, having repented, believers could become empowered by the Holy Spirit. Luke reiterated this message in the book of Acts. He recounted the story of Pentecost when Peter encouraged the people to repent and be baptized so they could receive the Holy Spirit. But what did it mean to repent? More
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Christian Passover, Repentance, and Forgiveness
As we take the symbols of the bread and wine at Passover we are acknowledging our need for repentance and forgiveness. But it is not the radical mercy or unconditional forgiveness that some preachers promote. It is important to know what the scriptures say and thus avoid sloppy theology. We must be careful to avoid diminishing the importance of the blood of the covenant and our response of loving obedience to God. There is more to repentance and forgiveness than an emotional altar call. So what do the scriptures reveal? More
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Passover People our Narrative of Hope
Over the centuries the scourge of anti-semitism has done an effective job of robbing Christians of their heritage as Passover People. How many Christians today understand what Paul wrote? That whether Jew or Gentile, if you belong to Christ you are Abraham’s children? How many understand their role in the biblical narrative, their common scriptural roots and shared biblical standards? But most importantly, how many grasp their new covenant relationship with the Father as Passover People with a glorious destiny? More
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The Parable of the Harvest
Most Christians know that ‘God is love.” God’s character is one of loving loyalty.
But do we know what God hates?
Jesus in explaining the coming Kingdom of God spoke of a future time when the wheat was to be gathered into the barn. But he also made it clear that the tares, the weeds, would be burned. This analogy of harvest season represented the coming reality. The saints, the sons of the Kingdom would receive a reward for their faithful service to God. But there was also a “reward” for the lawless, those who used deceit and entrapment to lure others away from the perfect law of liberty. Jesus confirmed that there was coming a day of judgment. And the standard of judgment was based on what God loves, and what God hates. More