COG Webcast


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October 6th, 2019

The Fall Festivals and Becoming Teleion People

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growing to spiritual maturityJesus Warning to his Disciples

Jesus warned his disciples of a danger in his time and ours that would keep us from becoming ‘Teleion people’. He said with a sense of urgency, “Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I have not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets!” And yet, many in our Christian world declare just the opposite. They insist that Jesus came to “nail the law to the cross.” And in so doing, they deny Christ’s own words. He gave us warning because he knew that the doctrine of lawlessness would cause many to stumble. He knew that they could never know the love of God, while at the same time rejecting God’s commands. More

September 28th, 2019

Hypocrisy in Leadership — ancient and modern

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actors masksLiving in Dangerous Times

The Prophet Jeremiah lived in a dangerous time. The nation was on the brink, being threatened by the world super-power, Babylon. He was upset by the wealthy and hypocritical leaders who seemed to be flourishing, when the nation was suffering and about to be sent into exile. God’s response to Jeremiah’s impatience over the condition of the nation was startling. The situation was to get worse, not better, and there were dangerous times ahead. And yet Jeremiah was encouraged to be hopeful. God would uproot the people from their land, but he would also bring them back. When we consider our world these warnings from Jeremiah’s words still apply. More

September 15th, 2019

John’s Vision of God 5 – Lamb of God, Lord of Hosts

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Lamb of God Lord of HostsLamb of God, Lord of Hosts

John’s vision of the Lamb of God, Lord of Hosts, was too fantastical for the religious leaders of the time to accept. From their perspective it was blasphemous, and contradicted the scriptures. Their view of the Messiah, and God, was limited by their traditional understanding. They could not conceive of two divine beings who were both God — the Word and the Father. Nor could they accept that the Word, the one through whom the Father created all things, became Jesus the Messiah. More

September 14th, 2019

I Will Never Forsake You

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I will never forsake youLessons from Paul’s Life

It is vital to remember the words of encouragement, “I Will never forsake you.” The Lord understood the nature of humanity, and predicted the challenges his people would face in society. If we are among those who value sola scriptura, and living by every word of God, then we will face difficult times. Paul spoke of such times when the majority would scoff at God, and hate and slander those who love the truth. But Paul, who suffered many things at the hands of evil people, had some advice. More

August 18th, 2019

John’s Vision of God – Worthy is the Lamb of God

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Lamb of God worthy is the lambJohn the Baptist declared Jesus to be the Lamb of God

We have come to learn through John’s writings that Jesus Christ,  the Messiah, was the Word, the Creator, the Son of God, and the Son of Man. But John the Baptist revealed that Jesus was also the ‘Lamb of God.’ But how did he get this title, and why is it important to understand that the Lamb of God is Jesus Christ? The book of Revelation penned by John gives us a detailed description of the Lamb of God and his roles in the Father’s step-by-step plan to save humanity.
John was perplexed and brought to tears by the vision of the scroll with many seals that could not be opened until someone was found worthy of the task. More

August 11th, 2019

John’s Vision of God – 5 Part Series on the Nature of God

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John's vision of God nature of God banner

Why a Series on the Nature of God

Our religious Christian world offers many divergent teachings on the Nature of God. Many of these teachings have their roots in the centuries after the death of Christ. They are often a syncretistic blending of philosophy and religion, that tries to explain what scripture means through a variety of lenses, from historical to allegorical. So as a result we now have many competing views that try to explain the nature of the Father and the Son and their relationship.

Why John’s Vision of God is Vital

This series on the nature of God, looks at the scriptures through the lens of the apostle John’s writings. Why? He was the last of the disciples of Christ, who wrote in a time of religious turmoil at the end of the first century. Being the last surviving eye-witness to Jesus life, death, and resurrection, many believe John was given the responsibility of codifying the Greek scriptures, in the same way that Ezra assembled the Hebrew scriptures. John had access to the works of all the previous writers. So, he wrote to the church to clarify many issues that had become muddied over the decades due to the influence of gnosticism, and a rising tide of anti-Jewish sentiment. His work provides some foundational understanding that will undergird our study of God’s revelation and guide us in examining the Greek and Hebrew scriptures. More

August 10th, 2019

John’s Vision of God 3 — Son of God Son of Man

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John's vision of God 3Jesus — Son of God Son of Man

John records in his epistle the first meeting of Jesus and Nathaniel. Responding to Jesus, Nathaniel exclaimed, “You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” Jesus, confirmed this and added that he was also the Son of Man. But what do these phrases mean? And how did the disciples and the religious leaders of Jesus’ time understand them? These names are at the heart of Jesus’ mission and his relationship with the Father. Jesus told his disciples that he came to give eternal life to those who would see his glory when he returned. But Jesus also knew that many would not accept  the authority that the Father had given him, as Son of God Son of Man. Do you? More