COG Webcast


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December 4th, 2019

Spiritual Deep Fakes — Are You Being Deceived?

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false teaching deep fakesDo Not Be Deceived!

Jesus warned his disciples about deceivers promoting their fake gospels. Are you being deceived? Don’t be too quick to answer, as Christ said many would come and deceive many. Are you one of the many? Christ’s warning was that we should be ‘on guard’ so that we would not be misled. For the ‘many’ would wander off, and go astray, roaming away from the truth. Jesus wanted his followers to know the truth and live by God’s word of truth. But he also knew the power of the scammers of his day. So he gave a warning. More

November 23rd, 2019

Will God Intervene? Can We Trust in God’s Timetable?

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will God intervene?Will God intervene in World Affairs

Recently a leading Iranian official claimed, “Iran destroying Israel is now an achievable goal.” Their oft-stated objective is to ‘wipe Israel off the map.’ But will they succeed, or will God intervene? …and sometimes in mysterious ways. We can be assured that there will come a time that as Isaiah prophesied, “The Lord will fight (once again) as he did at Mount Perazim and in the valley of Gibeon.” Do you know what happened there? More

November 16th, 2019

Pursuing Reality — or Embracing Illusion

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Reality or Illusion – There are Consequences

In a world where the biological fact of male and female is being challenged and transgenderism embraced, are we pursuing reality or embracing illusion? Some in the world of medical science claim that sex is binary. Why? Because there are over 6,000 genetic differences between the sexes that are embedded in every cell. And hormone therapy cannot change this reality. However, there are others who deride such statements of fact as ‘hate speech,’ for they would prefer the illusion of gender choice. The Christian narrative embraces ‘natural law’ the reality embedded in the natural world. This  law, this physical reality, was the work of the Creator who made all things. Yet, in Jesus day he also dealt with societal leaders who were willing to deny reality to achieve their own ends. More

November 9th, 2019

Searching for Freedom? You need a Redeemer!

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my redeemer livesYou Need a Redeemer

Harriet Tubman’s story is an inspiring tale of a woman whose courage helped her kinsmen escape from chattel slavery. She fulfilled the role of a redeemer to her people bringing many slaves by way of the ‘underground railroad’ to safety in Canada. Yet the greater story of redemption is that of the Creator redeeming his creation from the slavery of death and decay, into the liberty of God’s eternal children. Do you know that story? More

October 27th, 2019

Do Not Stumble – Complete the Christian Race!

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do not stumble run race with enduranceRunning the Christian Race

” Do not stumble!’ This was the apostle Paul’s exhortation to his readers in order to complete the Christian race. Unlike the competitors of Paul’s day we are not seeking the fleeting glory of a crown that withers. Rather, we are to run our best race with discipline and self-control. Why? So we can seize the prize — a crown that is imperishable. The prize for the overcomer, the one who was victorious, is to inherit eternal life and sit with Christ when he returns. So what could make you stumble, and keep you from conquering? More

October 14th, 2019

Feast of Tabernacles 2019 – Sermons

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Feast of Tabernacles 2019

First Holy Day
Monday October 14

Take Our Refuge in God

When we are lost, when we are pressed beyond the point of no return, when death or destruction are imminent, remember where to look for refuge. Jeremiah Patton encourages us to learn from the lessons of Mt. Everest and inspires us to act in the knowledge that God is our refuge.

Prophecy Fulfilled —

Have “All Things” been Fulfilled

Many Christians believe that when Christ died and was resurrected that “all things were fulfilled” but is that true? What does the bible really teach?
Jeff Patton examines the evidence of scripture and history to show the prophecies concerning the Messiah that are yet to be fulfilled. Prophecy fulfilled – Isaiah challenges Christians to rethink their ideas about Christ as they read, here a little, there a little, to discover what the future holds for those who trust in Christ as Saviour.

Day 2 Feast of Tabernacles 2019
Tuesday, October 15

God Our Father

As a new father, Joshua reflects on the role of God our father, and how fathers are to relate to their children, in loco deus. He draws from his personal experiences to explain the foundation that fathers build for their children in teaching them about God.

Can We Help Others Find the ‘Way Back?’

The Feast pictures the millennial reign of Christ and His saints as kingly priests. But at the onset there will be millions of people who have been traumatized by horrific global catastrophes. What quality of character will be of great importance to God in selecting his servants who will be responsible for helping these hurting people find the way back to God?

Day 3 Feast of Tabernacles 2019
Wednesday, October 16


We find ourselves in a journey through this life. But do you realize that as Christians, we are actually walking in the footsteps revealed by a king? A king who is so much greater than all others, and whose calling is to enter into fellowship with Him. Do we share His life, His mission, and His vision of the future! Let the scriptures help you understand your future in the ‘fellowship of the king.’

Fellowship of the King from Cogwebcast on Vimeo .

Day 4 Feast of Tabernacles 2019
Thursday, October 17

The Messianic Age

When we study the future, as pictured by the Feast of Tabernacles, we come to understand more about God’s ways. The prophets, Isaiah and Micah, both were inspired to write about the coming of the Messianic age. Their messages were very similar, and they both focused on the importance of the law in establishing the millennial reign of the Messiah. So what are those ways of God that he will be teaching all nations?

Day 5 Feast of Tabernacles 2019

Friday, October 18

The Kingdom of God will Grow

Jesus spoke of the farmer planting the seeds and the mystery of the seeds growing “spontaneously,” as an analogy of the Kingdom of God. What did he mean, and what are the implications for those disciples called to sow the seed? Daniel, Isaiah, and David all add to our understanding of how the Kingdom of God will grow, as both a physical and spiritual reality. Let the scriptures reveal the answers to this great marvel.

Day 6 Feast of Tabernacles 2019
Sabbath, October 19

The King’s Message about His Kingdom

Almost two thousand years ago Christ came and brought a message about the king and his kingdom. He instructed his disciples, all who are called of the Father, that we should pray that his Kingdom should come soon. But it is not here yet. So, what is the secret of the Kingdom that Christ revealed to his disciples, but not to the world? What is the nature of the realm of the King’s sovereign rule? What is the job the King wants us to do?

Day 7 of the Feast of Tabernacles 2019
Sunday, October 20

Who Shall Dwell with God?

The Eighth Day – Last Great Day
Monday, October 21

Can these bones live. The short answer is, “Yes!” but there is much more to the story. God says that, “all will be saved” but is that happening now? When will God work to save all of humanity? God’s plan of salvation for all is revealed through the Holy Days that God created as memorials and as prefigurative events envisioning what is to come in the future. The future is full of hope for those who put their trust in the God of scripture.

October 12th, 2019

Could Christians Miss Out on Atonement?

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AtonementAtonement and Free Will

In Israel, on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, 60% of the people were fasting this year. They were remembering Moses instructions to the people of Israel as they were about to enter the promised land. This was a time when the nation had recommitted themselves to their covenant with the Lord God. They promised to love and obey their Lord. They had been given the blessing of free will, and the Lord had told them to choose life by keeping his commandments. Including the instructions for observing the annual Holy Days, like the Day of Atonement. Unfortunately, the history of Israel was such that they often strayed from God and his ways. And they reaped the consequences. More