COG Webcast


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January 8th, 2022

Angels — Fact and Fantasy

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Angels — God’s Messengers

There is a growing fascination with angels and much of it is based on fantasy and not fact. In scripture the birth of Samson, John the Baptist, and Jesus were all foretold by angels. Angels played an important role as messengers delivering God’s word and revealing his will to his people. But there was also a trap, a danger that Paul and Peter warned about, for there were those in their time who began to worship angels. So what does scripture tell us about the nature of angels. Do people become angels? Or does God have a plan for humanity that surpasses that of the angelic hosts? What is the spiritual reality? More

January 8th, 2022

Old Heresies & New Revivals – Dead Sea Scrolls

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When the Past is never Really Past

Heresies seem to be the norm in history. And according to John’s writings old errors and deceptions are recycled into ‘new’ heresies. That is why he told his readers to ‘test he spirits’ as there would be false teachers promoting false doctrines. Paul also counselled believers to ‘test all things’ and not be gullible, falling prey to old heresies that were dressed up as new truth. Jesus warned of powerful deceptions that would test the ‘very elect.’ But he also provided a guide that could be used to determine whether some idea was true or heretical.

During Jesus’ ministry there were many sectarian groups, and one with considerable influence was the ‘Yahad’ of the Qumran community. In the writings of Jesus and his disciples we are given many examples that directly contradict the heresies that this sect of Judaism were teaching in the first century. Learn more about these heresies in history and their effect on modern Christianity. What was old is new.

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Fake Christianity


View more videos and articles to learn about God and his teachings from the ‘sola scriptura’ perspective.
It is God’s spirit that leads us into all truth as we read his word.



January 8th, 2022

A New Social Order – Chanukah & Maccabees 2

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The Maccabees Lessons for Our Time

Believers in all ages have faced the challenge of resisting the zeitgeist of their time. In order to enter the ‘narrow gate’ God’s people often had to refuse the allure of the broad path that the society was following – a path that would eventually lead to destruction. And yet how easy it would be to just ‘go with the flow’ and adopt the practices, approaches, and societal norms. The history of the Maccabees teaches God’s people many lessons about how to avoid the ditches of compromise and complacency. The hellenistic forces of the time were mandating the renunciation of biblical values, but there were those faithful few who held tightly to the truth and did not compromise with their God-given spiritual heritage. Are we following in their footsteps?

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The Messiah’s Chanukah Message

November 28th, 2021

Wisdom to Stand in Perilous Times – Chanukah 1

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wisdom to stand in the lightWisdom and the Word

From the beginning, The Word of God has given his people the wisdom to stand against opposition and the powers of darkness. At creation, the Lord God’s wisdom brought light to cast out the darkness. Through wisdom the Lord created the world, the sea, and the sun and stars to shed light on the earth. It has always been the Lord who has provided light and life. And though those in darkness may try to understand they cannot because they reject the Lord who is the source of light, They may even try to overpower the light of life but they cannot. In the end it is the Lord who will defeat the darkness by his wisdom. So do we have the wisdom to stand with the Lord of light, and hold-out against the darkness that may surround us? More

November 13th, 2021

Who is Guarding the Flock? Are Your Leaders Leading?

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Christian Leadership


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Faithful Guardians

God had given Moses the role of leading his people Israel out of Egypt and to the Promised Land. Trained as a shepherd Moses understood this sacred trust to guard and shepherd God’s flock. Following in the footsteps of his Lord, who would later offer his life for the people, Moses demonstrated godly love for those he served, for forty years he was the one faithfully guarding the flock. Similarly, Jesus’ demonstrated his love for his disciples, and he encouraged them to emulate his example of protecting those who were in their care. The love that Jesus spoke about was not mere emotion, but commitment to choosing and doing what God prefers, by the power of his spirit. Do our spiritual leaders demonstrate this kind of love? More

October 30th, 2021

A Matter of Trust

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A matter of Trust and the fiery furnace

Worthy of Trust?

Childhood memories of the days before credit and debit, bring to mind the sign on the cash register that said, “In God we trust, all others pay cash.”
Due to the fickle nature of the human heart that Jeremiah describes as deceitful and wicked, we can often find ourselves wondering about the issue of trust. Who is worthy of our trust, and why? Many of those who are trying to escape addictions and change their lives wrestle with the bad choices they had made previously. Often these choices were the result of misplaced trust that ended in incarceration or mental health issues. More

September 21st, 2021

Feast of Tabernacles – Sukkoth 2021

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Feast of Tabernacles 2021

Join us daily for a message of hope!

FIRST DAY OF THE FEAST — Tuesday September 21, 2021

law of Moses for ChristiansThe picture painted by Isaiah, and Micah of the millennial reign of the King of Kings, is one that should give every Christian hope for the future. Yet, within these prophecies they also include a message that has caused many Christians to stumble, and reject the plain teaching of scripture. Do you know what has been the source of confusion over the millennia since these biblical books were penned? Do you know why these things were allegorized and their plain meaning obscured? Let the Word of God reveal the answer to these all important questions. Make sure you know the answer so you can hold firm to the word of truth, and be encouraged by God’s amazing promises.

SECOND DAY OF THE FEAST  — Wednesday, September 22

rejoiceWhether we have the blessing of fellowshipping on God’s Holy Days in a place he has chosen or whether we are home alone, God gives us all a command. During these special times of year that God sets apart as Holy, we have been given a command to rejoice. But sometimes this is not easy! And as we celebrate we need to consider God’s admonition that “everyone” should rejoice. There is a responsibility to care for the needs not only of our family, but of our servants, the foreigners, the orphans and the widows. God’s festivals are a blessing as we rejoice in God’s goodness. But they are also a duty.

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THIRD DAY OF THE FEAST — Thursday, September 23

dreams of utopiaBad News — Good News
In our society it is easy to create a short-list, a litany, of all the evils of our age: wealth inequality, desperate refugees, corrupt politics, environmental degradation, disease, and destructive technologies. The bible predicted all of these woes, that would follow those who say evil is good and good is evil. But more importantly, God offers a solution!

FOURTH DAY OF THE FEAST — Friday, September 24
living as pilgrims and exilesDo Not Fret!
How can we live as pilgrims and exiles in a society that rejects godly values or the existence of the Creator? Navigating the troubled ideological and cultural waters of modernity can be stressful! But our future depends on our thoughts, attitudes, and actions. So what is God’s advice to his people through David’s psalm? “Do not fret!” So what does this mean?

FIFTH DAY OF THE FEAST — Sabbath, September 25

restoring Zion

What Happened to the Promise to Re-establish Zion?

In the first century believers in the Messiah were already becoming willfully ignorant of God’s purpose and promises. Peter however, as an eye-witness to Christ’s ministry had a great confidence in the message of Jesus Christ and the prophets. He was assured by Isaiah’s prophecy that Christ would indeed lay a sure foundation in Zion. In Zion an administration would be established with righteousness its plummet, and justice its measuring line. Zion would be founded on the impartial, equitable application of God’s laws, by the Messiah, the King of Kings. Is Zion here yet?

SIXTH DAY OF THE FEAST — Sunday, September 26

Appearances can be deceptive. Living on a “peaceful” island we may be unaware of the devastation others are experiencing due to hurricanes or flooding. Scripture speaks to us of the peace that passes understanding. This is a peace or wholeness that comes from God. We have this peace in spite of fearful, troubling circumstances. In the world we will face problems, difficulties, and disappointments. But Jesus promises us peace and contentment. This is not because we do not suffer with the world at times. Rather, in our suffering we trust in God and his promises. Whether we face the destructive forces of nature, or are embroiled in the midst of ethnic tensions or warfare, the peace that passes understanding comes from our hope in God.

SEVENTH DAY OF THE FEAST — Monday, September 27

Fear Not, God is Faithful God has made promises by covenant that are valid for a 1,000 generations! So when he admonishes us, “Fear Not!” he is also able to prove true to his promise and protect and guide those who trust him. Do we appreciate God’s faithfulness, or consider his wonderful works for his covenant people, Abraham’s children? If you are a Christian, then consider that you are Abraham’s descendant, regardless of ethnicity, and know that God’s promises are for you, too. The history of Israel is a study in God’s faithfulness in fulfilling his promises to nations and individuals. Though they like Abraham had to wander at times, yet he protected those whose heart was to obey and fear the Lord. But what about us, now? Can we have the confidence in God that will allay our fears?

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THE EIGHTH DAY! — Tuesday, September 28

Hope of the resurrection!

Hope of the resurrection!

Can these bones live. The short answer is, “Yes!” but there is much more to the story. God says that, “all will be saved” but is that happening now? When will God work to save all of humanity? God’s plan of salvation for all is revealed through the Holy Days that God created as memorials and as prefigurative events envisioning what is to come in the future. The future is full of hope for those who put their trust in the God of scripture.


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