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Some of our content not yet on YouTube is available on our Vimeo channel #churchofgod or below on our site in order from most recent to oldest.
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When we understand the nature of the world we live in, a world that is often violent and has no love for the things of God, then we need to know how to deal with the challenges we will face. Josh Patton examines the scriptures that provide us with the wisdom and comfort we need to love our enemies and conduct our spiritual warfare.
The ancient Egyptians had amazing rituals associated with their concept of life after death and the hurdles they believed they had to magically overcome in order to attain eternal life. Jeff Patton contrasts the mythology of the Egyptians with the reality of scriptures and encourages believers to hold fast to the hope of eternal life that is presently a reality in their lives.
We are at a crossroads in history when the fate of our nations is being determined by the actions we take. But our people have been at this place before, long ago. Jeff Patton shows the profound effects of national choices in the stories of Elijah and Josiah, and the lessons for the individuals living in God’s “exceptional nations” today.
When Christ instructed his disciples in his Sermon on the Mount he gave them a warning. This warning was a reiteration of a warning given by Moses and repeated by many of the apostles. What was the warning? Beware of False Prophets even ones who do miracles! Jeff Patton examines the scriptures to get a complete picture of the danger posed by these wolves who masquerade in sheep’s clothing. Can you spot one? Do you know what their defining characteristic is?
We first meet the Devil’s devices in the garden of Eden. There he sowed doubt in the minds of Adam and Eve with his crafty insinuation. “Is it true that God has said…” He first undermined their trust in God as a God of truth. Then, he appealed to their desire to be wise and live forever, with the infamous, “You shall not surely die!” As the Father of lies he obscured the truth that only God could give eternal life as a gift. And though it was ‘true’ that the tree of knowledge would ‘open their eyes’ and give them knowledge, he used this to deceive.
Balaam and the church, what are the lessons for us today? The world is full of irony, like the former KGB head, Vladimir Putin, championing moral conservatism, or the Catholic church espousing religious freedom. Jeff recounts this very old story of double-mindedness, as seen in the biblical account of Balaam.
In a world that is contrary to biblical values we are warned of the reality of the adverse environment and its effect of “wearing out the saints,” and thus discouraging, undermining, and frustrating our efforts to serve God wholeheartedly. Are we aware of this danger in our lives and are we prepared to face and overcome the challenge of being “worn out” by the daily difficulties.
Will You Enter the Promised Land?
Who do we trust? Are we trustworthy? The theme of trust and faithfulness is central to the scriptural narrative. Jeff Patton rehearses the story of Saul and asks us if we are faithful to God’s instructions when in a tight spot when our “resources” are slipping away. Faithfulness has its rewards so, “What is the power of trust?”
Remembering that the “end is nigh for each of us individually” Jeff Patton brings clarity to the biblical teaching about spiritual transformation that must take place before we come to the end of our physical lives. Listen to learn more about this spiritual process of metamorphosis.
While the great nations of the world tried to negotiate for peaceful relationships with a “nuclear” Iran with it’s threats to annhilate Israel, the Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu, and some Rabbis and scholars gathered to study the bible. Where are we to find security in our time? Jeff Patton considers the need for a source of stability in dangerous times, and reflects on the biblical concept of “emunah”