COG Webcast

Youth Bible Studies and Resources

This page will provide teachers and students with materials to use in a group or as an individual in studying the key concepts of the scriptures. As this is a learning experience for teacher and student our resources are geared to providing questions for discussion or as the basis for games, craft activities, bulletin boards, or projects. You are only limited by your imagination. Please let us know how you have used the youth bible studies and teacher prompts in your family, church, or individual studies.

Fall Festival Studies — Feast of Tabernacles 2011

Passover Studies and Activities

Pentecost Studies

May 27th, 2012

Pentecost – Wind and Flame

Comments Off on Pentecost – Wind and Flame, Filed in Reader's Theatre, by CGP.

This short reader’s theatre script for younger students follows the disciples as they walk to the temple, and are astounded by the coming of the Holy Spirit. It concludes with a song, Wind and Flame


May 18th, 2012

Pentecost Readers Theatre: Wind and Flame

1 Comment, Filed in Reader's Theatre, by CGP.

    This short Pentecost Readers theatre is especially appropriate for a pre-teen youth group, but will work for any age. The pre-teens enjoy making costumes for this play and creating the headbands with tissue paper flames that can be blown about by a fan to add drama to the script.

    Pentecost: Wind and Flame pentecost_reader’s theatre_2012

May 18th, 2012

Pentecost – Book of Ruth: Reader’s theatre

Comments Off on Pentecost – Book of Ruth: Reader’s theatre, Filed in Reader's Theatre, by CGP.

Get the whole family or congregation involved in rehearsing the inspirational story of Ruth, this Pentecost season. This Book of Ruth script can be used as a reader’s theatre script or a play.

Pentecost – Feast of Firstfruits


May 11th, 2012

Pentecost: Youth Study

1 Comment, Filed in Youth, by CGP.

Pentecost/Shavuot/Feast of Weeks
Pentecost is observed in late spring, 50 days after the cutting of the wave sheaf in the middle of the Passover season. It is full of meaning for the Christian and is observed yearly both as a commemoration of the giving of the law/covenant at Mt. Sinai, and the coming of the Holy Spirit after Christ’s death and resurrection. This lesson offers a cloze activity with the related scriptures to help young people rehearse what they already know or search out answers that are new to them.
Pentecost_youth cloze Pdf

March 27th, 2012

Passover: Question and Answer

Comments Off on Passover: Question and Answer, Filed in Reader's Theatre, by CGP.

A short reader’s theatre script to engage all participants (young and old) in a retelling of “Why this night is different from all other nights” It would be a great dinner activity for Passover (NTBMO) and highlights the key events that this Holy time memorializes. We have used it successfully with church groups or family gatherings.
