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COG Webcast > Youth Bible Studies and Resources
This page will provide teachers and students with materials to use in a group or as an individual in studying the key concepts of the scriptures. As this is a learning experience for teacher and student our resources are geared to providing questions for discussion or as the basis for games, craft activities, bulletin boards, or projects. You are only limited by your imagination. Please let us know how you have used the youth bible studies and teacher prompts in your family, church, or individual studies.
Comments Off on Exodus: The Ten Plagues and Passover, Filed in Reader's Theatre, by CGP.
The Exodus, God’s deliverance of his people from slavery and His dramatic destruction of the Egyptian nation and their gods through a series of ten plagues is the focus of this script. This could be presented as a play or read as a reader’s theatre for Passover (The Night to Be Much Observed).
Comments Off on Passover Apocrypha, Filed in Reader's Theatre, by CGP.
A fanciful retelling of the Passover Exodus story from the point of view of 15 Israelites who are about to enter the Promised Land and conquer Jericho. Each reader reminisces about stories they heard or experienced as youth leaving Egypt forty years earlier. This script works well as reader’s theatre or could be acted out as a play.
Comments Off on Walking to Freedom: Exodus Story Banner, Filed in Youth, by CGP.
This is a fun and memorable Passover activity for family or youth group.
With simple materials and a lot of imagination you can recreate the excitement, the relief, and the concerns that were experienced by the people of Israel as they left their homes and lives of slavery in Egypt to journey into the unknown and desolate land beyond the river Nile.
The Story of Rahab isn’t often thought of as a “Passover Story” but when we think of the events that are tied to this Holy Day season perhaps the story of entering the Promised Land is as important as the story of leaving Egypt.
This short script in two acts is especially good as a play for the pre-teen set, but could work with all ages as a reader’s theatre script, or a youth bible lesson.
Comments Off on Queen Esther: a woman with a mission, Filed in Reader's Theatre, by CGP.
The story of Queen Esther:
Purim is a time to reflect on the blessing of God’s deliverance and the knowledge that God can use the humble who serve Him to put to shame the proud who seek to destroy His people. This story of Esther (retold in a 7 act play with stage directions) can be performed as a play or informally read as a reader’s theatre activity.
Comments Off on Goshen Gazette – Passover Script, Filed in Reader's Theatre, by CGP.
This Passover script provides a humorous, but biblically sound retelling of the story of the Exodus from Egypt from the eyes of first person accounts as read in the “Goshen Gazette” news. This could be acted out by a youth group in costume and presented to the congregation. Or it is easily broken into one page scripts that can be read by adults and children around the table for the evening meal at the beginning of the first Holy Day during the Passover season.(NTBMO/Passover)
Comments Off on New Youth Studies Page, Filed in News, Youth, by COG Webcast.
Check out our new page with Youth Studies material for both Teachers and Students.
We have put up a first selection of youth bible study materials for the Feast of Tabernacles 2011.
This is just the start of youth bible study materials, more youth oriented resources will follow, stay tuned.
Enjoy and happy studying!